
----- Original Message ----- 
From: NY Transfer News 
To: NY Transfer News 
Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2001 5:09 AM
Subject: Otto Reich's appointment appears to be in toilet

Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit


The Guardian - Nov 28, 2001

Bush appointee linked to terrorism;
Diplomat tied to anti-Cuba violence

by Duncan Campbell in Los Angeles

One of George Bush's key choices for a major diplomatic role in his
administration is almost certain now not to be appointed - because of
his links with terrorism. Otto Reich, a Cuban exile, was nominated by
the US president this year as under secretary of state for the
western hemisphere.

This week a source for the Senate foreign relations committee, which
has to confirm the appointment, said that Mr Reich's chances of being
confirmed were now almost zero. He was already a controversial choice
because in 1987, in his previous government role as director the
office of public diplomacy, he had been investigated by the
comptroller general who found that he had "engaged in prohibited,
covert propaganda activities" on behalf of the Nicaraguan Contras
then engaged in a guerrilla war against the elected Sandinista

Mr Reich's nomination was attacked by the former US ambassador to El
Salvador, Robert White, who said: "He was part of that team that put
into being a policy that was illegal."

But it is Mr Reich's relationship with another Cuban American,
Orlando Bosch, which now seems certain to derail his appointment.
Bosch was first arrested in 1968 for firing on a tanker docked in
Miami on the grounds that it was trading with Cuba. He was charged
with conspiracy to damage and destroy planes and ships bound for Cuba
and jailed for 10 years. Released after four years he went to
Venezuela and was arrested there in 1976 after a Cuban plane had been
destroyed by a bomb with the loss of 73 lives. He was acquitted and
Mr Reich then attempted to help him obtain a US visa.

Turning down the request for the visa, Joe Whitley, the associate
attorney general, wrote: "The United States cannot tolerate the
inherent inhumanity of terrorism as a way of settling disputes.
Appeasement of those who use force will only breed more terrorists.
We must look on terrorism as a universal evil, even if it is directed
toward those with whom we have no political sympathy."

Undeterred, Bosch illegally entered the US. In 1990, Bosch was
granted a pardon by President George Bush Sr and he still lives in
Florida. When Mr Reich was asked by the Senate foreign relations
committee if he did not consider Bosch to be a terrorist, he replied:
"I do not have sufficient knowledge of Mr Bosch's criminal activities
or record of convictions to pass judgment on his legal status."

But in the wake of September 11, Mr Reich's position has been deemed
untenable as the administration has made it clear that it disapproves
of terrorism in all its forms. Having a senior diplomat linked to a
man convicted of terrorist offences would seriously undermine such a

Yesterday, a Senate foreign relations committee source said that
Reich's name had now been sent back to the White House as being
unacceptable. The source indicated that Democrat senators on the
committee have asked for another name to be submitted.

(c) Guardian Newspapers Limited 2001

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