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International Action Center
39 W. 14 Street, #206
New York, NY 10011
(212) 633-6646


Dear Friend,

     We need your help.  The outrageous demonization that the wars of the
past decade in the Balkans are the fault of the Serbian people and their
leaders must be answered.

    Our second book on the decade of wars that dismembered Yugoslavia is
ready to go to the printers.  This well-researched and documented book,
'This is Peace? NATO's Balkan Occupation,' has involved hundreds of hours of
work by a dedicated staff of volunteers.

    Now we are depending on your support.

    Four years ago the International Action Center published 'NATO in the
Balkans.'  That book proved to be a powerful tool for informing the public
about US war plans in the Balkans.  It went into three printings, was
translated into Serbian and Greek, and sections of it appeared in
publications in Italian, Spanish, Dutch, French, German and Russian.

    Our new book, 'This is Peace? NATO's Balkan Occupation,' fills a great
void.  There is no truthful record published in the US of NATO war crimes in
the bombing of Yugoslavia.  No one has exposed the illegal kidnapping and
detention of President Slobodan Milosevic by the US-sponsored International
Criminal Tribunal on Yugoslavia or the crime of NATO occupation of the
entire region.

    The truth needs to be told.  The US/NATO attack on Yugoslavia was truly
the "foot in the door," as the late Sean Gervasi pointed out in 'NATO in the
Balkans.'  It has led to yet another US war, this time in Afghanistan.  As
the United States military moves deeper into Central Asia, once again
keeping the truth about this new war from the people of the United States,
we must not forget the lies and aggression in Yugoslavia.

    Over 30 of the most courageous and articulate voices opposing US/NATO
war crimes during and after the bombing of Yugoslavia have contributed to
'This is Peace? NATO's Balkan Occupation.'  This 360-page book details the
media campaign that hid the brutal destruction of Yugoslavia in the 79-day
NATO war.  The 20-page photo section clearly shows the civilian targets.
The historical record of the People's Tribunals held in the United States
and Europe charging NATO with war crimes are included in this volume along
with the US funding and control of the International Criminal Tribunal based
at The Hague.

     You know how important it is that there be an accurate record of these
crimes.  You know how difficult it is to live knowing the truth, but unable
to get it out.  'This is Peace? NATO's Balkan Occupation' will enable
activists and scholars here and abroad to understand what is at stake.  NATO
occupation is no solution for any of the peoples in the region.  The
prospect for a common struggle against outside domination and the thugs who
have sold out to the multi-national corporations will be aided by the
knowledge this book has to offer.

    You can do something important.  You can help the International Action
Center publish 'This is Peace? NATO's Balkan Occupation.'  Please help to
sponsor the printing and distribution of this vital work, which will be
available both in English and in Greek by February 2002.  The Serbian
edition will be available soon after.  The budget for this book is modest
because our labor is voluntary, but we need to raise $25,000 to do a first
press run.

    You can have your name listed as one of the people who made this book
possible.  Donors of $1,000 will be featured in the book as sponsors.
Contributors of $100 or more will be thanked in print as well.  You will
also receive two copies of the book that can be given to a library, school,
journalist, elected official or whoever you choose.  In order to have your
name listed in the acknowledgements we must hear from you by December 31.
You can make a tax-deductible donation by writing your check to People's
Rights Fund/NATO Book II.

    Your help has been decisive in the past.  Please ensure that the truth
about Yugoslavia is documented for the 21st century and for future
generations.  Your contribution will enable this to happen.

   With enduring appreciation for your generosity and commitment,
Brian Becker        Heather Cottin        Sara Flounders
Gloria La Riva      Milos Raickovich    Nadja Tesich

    This is Peace?  NATO's Balkan Occupation

    The war in Yugoslavia signalled the start of US strategy to move into
Eastern Europe and beyond....

    How did the United States achieve the breakup and occupation of

    What was the role of US media lies and the manipulation of international
agencies, including the UN?

    Why did the campaign to demonize the Serbian people and Slobodan
Milosevic accompany the 70 day NATO bombing of Yugoslavia?

    Who benefited?  US/NATO military bases have been set up throughout the
Balkans, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East and Central Asia to protect
Western corporate plunder of the labor and resources of the region.

    'This is Peace? NATO's Balkan Occupation' represents the only historical
record in English of NATO's illegal war in Yugoslavia.

360 pages, photo section, maps, index, chronology.
$19.95 (Bulk orders of 10 or more copies at a 40 percent discount)

Donations written to: People's Rights Fund / NATO Book II are tax

Mail your donation or sponsorship to:
International Action Center
39 W. 14th St., #206
New York, NY 10011

Credit card tax deductible donations can be made on-line at: at This is Peace? book project

    My heart is always with the people who are the poorest and most
deprived.  For the past ten years, the people in the Balkans have been the
victims of US/NATO war crimes that remain largely hidden from people around
the world.   Help us get out the truth aout the wars in Yugoslavia.   Help
us publish 'This is Peace? NATO's Balkan Occupation.'   - Ramsey Clark

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