
>This time you sent over a macrovirus with a very misguiding name,
>that is safe Safe. Though it does not affect my platform it is a
>problem, so please scan your system to fix this problem.
>PS: Owners
>Wouldn't be better if the list ceased to accept posts with attachments?

My apologies!

I have been very fast to debunk the enemy 8-(.

What triggered my reaction was the following: SAFE press 
release.Mima.doc (WDBN/MSWD) (00011C0D) that is a file with two 
suffixes. Generally virii travel around as .xxx.pif, .xxx.scr, 
.xxx.vbs, Docs.doc etc. Finally it was just a simple M$Word file with 
an uncomprehensive encoding.

And as it happened very recently to get a private mail from a member 
of this list (though we don't have any private correspondance) with a 
virus attached on it I considered as a case of emergency. That was 
not the case so please excuse my conclusion.

I maintain though my previous statesments that attachements and HTML 
are wasting bandwidth and are potentially dangerous.

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