
>A mock international war crimes  tribunal convened in The Hague 
>Monday to prepare to pass final judgment on charges that Japan's 
>wartime emperor Hirohito and his government were accomplices in 
>forcing Asian women into sexual slavery during World War II.
>On Monday the so-called Women's International War Crimes  Tribunal 
>on Japan's Military Sexual Slavery met to give a summary of the 
>proceedings held in Tokyo a year ago.
>In Tokyo the court, set up by a coalition of women's groups and 
>human rights campaigners with the aim of ending the silence about 
>the World War II sex slaves in Asia, had found the defendants guilty 
>of crimes against humanity for overseeing the Imperial Army's 
>"comfort women" system.
>Over 200,000 women from across Asia, mostly Koreans and Chinese, 
>are believed to have been forced to work as sex slaves in Japanese 
>military brothels.
>The victims were forcibly abducted and taken to buildings near  the 
>front lines, euphemistically dubbed "comfort stations", so soldiers 
>could use them as involuntary prostitutes.
>Presiding judge Gabrielle Kirk-McDonald of the United States,  the 
>former president of the UN war crimes tribunal for the former 
>Yugoslavia, adressed the gathering Monday. She praised the former 
>sex slaves for coming forward to seek justice.
>Kirk-McDonald said the judges presiding over the mock war crimes 
>court had tried to seek justice in a "full, fair and impartial way".
>The court's formal judgment to be pronounced here on Tuesday  will 
>have no legal force. But it is intended to have maximum moral impact.
>"I hope the judgement will influence the Japanese government to  do 
>something for me and the other women," said 75-year-old Suhannah, a 
>former comfort woman from Indonesia.
>Joint chief prosecutor Ustina Dolgopol, an Australian expert in 
>international law, said the prosecution had asked that the Japanese 
>government be sentenced to provide some sort of satisfaction to the 
>"They have to admit to the facts and offer a full and frank 
>apology," she told the court. Dolgopol also asked for payment of 
>compensation to the victims and help in setting up memorials for the 
>"A comprehensive appology is the most crucial, the lack of  honesty 
>of the Japanese government is an affront to former comfort women," 
>she said.
>Many of the victims are now in their 70s but are still  determined 
>to fight for an official Japanese apology and compensation for their 
>"We have had wishy-washy unofficial appologies, I want an  official 
>apology and I want compensation," said Jan Ruff-O'Herne, a Dutch 
>women who was 19 years old when she was forced to work as a 
>prostitute for the Japanese army in Indonesia.
>"I don't want charity, I want compensation from Japan," she  said.
>Patricia Viseur-Sellers, the other chief prosecutor, said the 
>enslaved women suffered "untold physical and mental anguish". She 
>told the court that the women were forcibly transfered to the 
>brothels where they suffered countless rapes, were confined to small 
>cells, underwent forced abortions and were starved.
>"Nobody understands how much we suffered, only the women who  went 
>through it with us," Ruff-O'Herne told AFP.
>The 78-year-old said that she was removed from a Japanese 
>internment camp in Indonesia in 1944 with 10 other girls who looked 
>"We were loaded onto a lorry and dropped off at a brothel in 
>Semarang, on the island of Java," Ruff-O'Herne said.
>It took her 50 years to be able to speak about what happend to  her.
>Sher Singh

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