
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Bill Howard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <Undisclosed-Recipient:;>
Sent: Monday, December 03, 2001 11:13 PM
Subject: [C-I] The Czech SocialDemocrats want war too

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 From: SolidNet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Sent: Monday, December 03, 2001 8:03 AM
 Subject: Postmark Prague No.354, The Czech SocialDemocrats want war too
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      Postmark Prague No.354, The Czech SocialDemocrats want war too
                  From: POSTMARK PRAGUE, Mon, 2 Dec 2002
                      mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Dear comrades,
 The attached article by a senior Czech Communist Party adviser deals
 with the transformation of the Czech and other social democratic parties
 into parties of war. It is from the December issue of PP. Free sample
 copies of this issue are available to your readers.
 Comradely greetings from Prague,
 Ken Biggs
 Feature article (approx.950 words)

 by Radomir Silber, a senior adviser to the Czech Communist Party (KSCM)*
 Many European social democratic parties, the British Labour Party, the
 French Socialists, the German Social Democrats and also the Czech Social
 Democratic Party have undergone a wondrous transformation in recent
 years. They have become parties of war. They have broken with the old
 traditions of socialist pacifism. Like his colleagues Tony Blair, Lionel
 Jospin and Gerhard Schroeder, Czech prime minister Milos Zeman has
 developed a taste for gunpowder.
 A hundred years ago when the right ruled all Europe, the opposition
 social democrats championed peace. They refused to support wars. Then
 came their fatal failure at the start of WWI, when the European big
 powers wanted to redivide the colonised world. Apart from the Russian
 Bolsheviks, the Bulgarian »Tesnyaki" and a small group of German
 Marxists, the social democrats either supported the  right-wing
 governments’ war policy or did not oppose them when they unleashed the
> war. Until now social democrats have been able to say this was only a
one-off aberration and that no social democrat government had ever
> launched or conducted a war of aggression. Today, however, the facade of
 the Socialist International’s »peaceloving parties" lies in  ruins.
 NATO’s war on Yugoslavia
 1999 was the turning point. Contrary to the UN Charter and without
 declaring war, the US-dominated NATO bombed the Yugoslav Federal
 Republic extensively for 75 days. The »socialist" governments of a
 number of NATO states gave unqualified approval to the attack on
 Yugoslavia, claiming that this was necessary to protect the Yugoslav
 province of Kosovo’s Albanian minority. The US, at first only covertly
 supporting Albanian terrorists linked to the drugs mafia, succeeded in
 involving their European allies in the struggle against the socialist
> Yugoslav President Milosevic -- the only one in the southern underbelly
 of Europe not to comply with their wishes. The result was excellent for
 the Americans. Not one of the ruling socialist parties in the NATO
 countries opposed the war. Nor did any of them use their right of veto
 to halt the deliberate and publicly admitted bombing of civilian targets
 or the use of weapons banned under international conventions.
 Blair and Clinton chose the targets. Contrary to the Geneva conventions
 and international law, the TV studio in Belgrade became a military
 target. The last time that Belgrade was bombed before the NATO attack
 was by Hitler’s luftwaffe. The French premier complained privately that
 no one had consulted France about the targets. But the German social
 democratic government had no such scruples. Inquisitive journalists
 discovered that it had deliberately misinformed its citizens from the
 very outset and lied to them about what was happening in the Balkans.
> Prague’s divine comedy
the attitude of the Czech social democrats to the war in Yugoslavia was
 truly comic. On 12 March 1999 they announced amidst great  pomp and
ceremony that the Czech Republic had joined NATO. 14 days later, foreign
 minister Jan Kavan and premier Milos Zeman gave their approval by
 telephone (!) to the attack on Yugoslavia. At the Social Democrats’
 Congress in April, when the bombing of Yugoslav towns, hospitals,
 schools, churches and historical monuments was being widely reported in
 the press, most of the delegates tried to placate an alarmed public by
 signing a petition denouncing NATO’s barbaric war in the Balkans. But
 almost immediately most of them also expressed their full support for
 the government and its pro-war position!  Even when the war was over and
 NATO troops had occupied Kosovo, the Czech prime minister was quick to
 dismiss all criticism. When Communist leader Miroslav Grebenicek MP
 accused his  government of violating the Geneva conventions, Zeman
 replied: »Only legitimate targets were bombed." So the families of those
 who died when the Belgrade TV studio was bombed could have nothing to
 complain about.
 This year, when the world was shaken by the horrific terrorist attack on
 New York and Washington, the European social democrats agreed with
 Washington  that war was »the best solution". Bearing in mind US
 interests, it is logical that, instead of seeking real justice as
 defined in international law, President George Bush opted for vengeance
 and went to war against Afghanistan. Apart from its defeat in Vietnam,
 the US is well-versed in how to maximise its political and economic
 gains through the use of war.
 Czech premier Zeman did not give the matter a second thought. He
 immediately offered the US campaign every military assistance. As a
 result of convivial US-British cooperation, bombs and rockets are
 raining down on unhappy, poverty-stricken  and war-blighted Afghanistan
 – including cluster bombs which the international community has
 outlawed. By some statistically miraculous accident, these bombs have
 twice in succession hit Red Cross warehouses in the Afghan capital of
 Kabul. And they have also fallen, not at all by accident, on power
 stations and a dam. In the US hunt for Usama bin Laden, who is suspected
 of organising the attacks on New York and Washington, possibly »only"
 ten thousand, but more likely hundreds of thousands and, likelier still,
 millions of Afghans, will die.
 The Czech Communists
 The big powers have no compassion, only »interests". The innocent
 civilians, even those deliberately murdered in NATO’s war in Yugoslavia,
 who are dying and being terrorised are now called by a new name –
 »collateral damage". The social democrats long ago stopped thinking
 about them. Only one of the Czech parliamentary parties bucks the trend
 – the Communist Party. Communist MPs obstinately refuse to support the
 sending of Czech military units into action unless this has been
 officially approved by a resolution of the UN Security Council. They
 demand something which the Czech social democrats have jettisoned:
 respect for the basic principles of humanity and international law.
 * This article is from the December issue of Postmark Prague. A free
 sample copy can be obtained from PP, PO Box 42, 182 21 Prague 8, Czech
 Republic ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) An annual subscription (11 issues)
 costs US$25, 16 Pounds sterling  or the equivalent in a convertible
[Via: Communist Internet eGroup:  

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