
At the risk of overstating the obvious, most of these slogans are culled from the
literature of Ayn Rand.

The reference below pertains to Rand's repudiation of Marx's theory of labor in
favor of the notion, popular amongst the labor aristocracy (especially computer
geeks), that 'intellect' is the source of all value (labor simply receiving what
it would normally get had not the geniuses come along to rescue humanity with
their clever inventions).

'IT,' anyone?


Nancy Hey wrote:

> ---------------------------
> "Other demonstrators held placards saying 'I own my life, I am not a slave,"
> Wow!  They just don't get it, because that's exactly the effect of global
> capitalism, to make poor people and Third World people wage SLAVES!
> Peacefully yours,
> Nancy Hey
> Stasi wrote:
> > ---------------------------
> >
> > Ananova :
> >
> > Pro-global capitalism demo attracts 25 people
> > ===============================
> >
> > A New Zealand demonstration in support of global capitalism attracted 25
> > people.
> >
> > The Walk For Capitalism in Auckland attracted people who believe in the free
> > market system.
> >
> > They tied blue ribbons to Starbucks cafes and other businesses as a gesture
> > of thanks.
> >
> > The walk was organised by Melbourne-based Prodos Institute and was held in
> > 107 other cities worldwide. Protester David Pritchard, a customer services
> > manager, says capitalists are unfairly painted as bullies with no interest
> > in the environment or the poor.
> >
> > "If life is about the pursuit of happiness, selfishness is a virtue," Andrew
> > Atlas, a civil engineer with a 'Taxation is Theft' sign stuck to his back
> > said.
> >
> > Other demonstrators held placards saying 'I own my life, I am not a slave, I
> > am a capitalist' and 'Capitalism is Good', the Stuff website reports.
> >
> > Story filed: 17:59 Sunday 2nd December 2001
> >

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