
The Kashmir Times, Nov 7, 2001
 Kashmiri militants fighting for Taliban extradited
KT News Service

New Delhi, Dec 6: The new administration in Afghanistan led by the Northern Alliance 
has handed over few Kashmiri militants to India, reported a Saudi newspaper Al-Riyadh 
on Thursday.

The newspaper claimed that the Alliance had captured these fighters while raiding a 
Taliban bastion. Identifying them as militants operating in Kashmir and wanted by 
Indian agencies, the newspaper reported that they were handed over to Indian 
authorities on November 28.

The report further said the prisoners left by a special Indian airforce aircraft, 
which had been sent to the Bagram airbase, in the vicinity of Kabul.

Meanwhile, India Thursday described the Bonn accord as a "first important step" 
towards setting up of a fully representative, broad-based government in Afghanistan. 
However, India reiterated that whatever processes were being negotiated should be 

Asked about the power-sharing accord reached between four Afghan factions, an External 
Affairs Ministry spokesperson said "we see this as a first important step towards the 
setting up of a fully representative, broad-based Government in Afghanistan".

New Delhi "sincerely hoped" that this would lead to restoration of peace and lasting 
stability in Afghanistan, she said. India also hoped that the international community 
would remain engaged in the reconstruction process of the war-ravaged country.

"For long-term stability, we must keep in mind the fact that whatever processes are 
being negotiated and discussed should be Afghan-based," she said.

Terming the accord as a "positive development" India's Special Envoy on Afghanistan S 
K Lambah, who represented India which was given observer status at the Afghan talks, 
reaffirmed India's commitment to help in the reconstruction of Afghanistan.

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