
> Andy Kershaw, The Independent Dec 1
> I thought I had a strong stomach – toughened by the minefields
> and foul frontline hospitals of Angola, by the handiwork of the
> death squads in Haiti and by the wholesale butchery of Rwanda.
> But I nearly lost my breakfast last week at the Basrah Maternity
> and Children's Hospital in southern Iraq.
> Dr Amer, the hospital's director, had invited me into a room in
> which were displayed colour photographs of what, in cold
> medical language, are called "congenital anomalies", but what
> you and I would better understand as horrific birth deformities.
> The images of these babies were head-spinningly grotesque –
> and thank God they didn't bring out the real thing, pickled in
> formaldehyde. At one point I had to grab hold of the back of a
> chair to support my legs.
> I won't spare you the details. You should know because –
> according to the Iraqis and in all likelihood the World Health
> Organisation, which is soon to publish its findings on the
> spiralling birth defects in southern Iraq – we are responsible for
> these obscenities.
> During the Gulf war, Britain and the United States pounded the
> city and its surroundings with 96,000 depleted-uranium shells.
> The wretched creatures in the photographs – for they were
> scarcely human – are the result, Dr Amer said.
> He guided me past pictures of children born without eyes,
> without brains. Another had arrived in the world with only half a
> head, nothing above the eyes. Then there was a head with legs,
> babies without genitalia, a little girl born with her brain outside
> her skull and the whatever-it-was whose eyes were below the
> level of its nose.
> Then the chair-grabbing moment – a photograph of what I can
> only describe (inadequately) as a pair of buttocks with a face and
> two amphibian arms. Mercifully, none of these babies survived
> for long.
> Depleted uranium has an incubation period in humans of five
> years. In the four years from 1991 (the end of the Gulf war) until
> 1994, the Basrah Maternity Hospital saw 11 congenital
> anomalies. Last year there were 221.
> Then there is the alarming increase in cases of leukaemia
> among Basrah babies lucky enough to have been born with the
> full complement of limbs and features in the right place. The
> hospital treated 15 children with leukaemia in 1993. In 2000 it
> was 60. By the end of this year that figure again will be topped.
> And so it will go on. Forever.
> (Depleted uranium has a half-life of 4.1 billion years. Total
> disintegration occurs after 25 billion years, the age of the earth.)
> In any other country, in which the vital drugs are available, 95 per
> cent of these infant leukaemia cases would be treated
> successfully. In Basrah, the figure is 20 per cent. Most
> heartbreakingly, many children on the road to recovery go into
> relapse part way through treatment when the sporadic and
> meagre supply of drugs runs out. And then they die.
> By the United Nations' own admission 5,000 Iraqi children die
> every month because of a shortage of medicines created by
> sanctions imposed by ... the United Nations.
> Tony Blair, on numerous occasions, has misled Parliament and
> the country (perhaps unwittingly) by saying that Saddam
> Hussein is free to buy all the medicines Iraq needs under the
> oil-for-food programme. This is not true. Oil for food amounts to
> just 60 cents (40p) per Iraqi per day and everything – food,
> education, health care and rebuilding of infrastructure – has to
> come out of that. There simply is not enough to go around.
> And has Mr Blair heard of the UN Security Council 661
> Committee? If he has, then he keeps quiet about it. The
> committee was certainly unknown to me until I toured the shabby
> hospitals of Basrah.
> This committee, which meets in secret in New York and does
> not publish minutes, supervises sanctions on Iraq. President
> Saddam is not free to buy Iraq's non-military needs on the world
> market. The country's requirements have to be submitted to 661
> and, often after bureaucratic delay, a judgement is handed down
> on what Iraq can and cannot buy. I have obtained a copy of
> recent 661 rulings and some of the decisions seem daft if not
> peevish. "Dual use" is the most common reason to refuse a
> purchase, meaning the item requested could be put to military
> use.
> So how does the 661 committee expect Saddam Hussein to
> wage war with "beef extract powder and broth"? Does 661 expect
> him to turn on the Kurds again by spraying them with "malt
> extract"? Or to send his presidential guard back into Kuwait
> armed to the teeth with "pencils"? Pencils, you see, according to
> 661, contain graphite and therefore could be put to military use.
> (Tough on the eager schoolchildren of Basrah who have little
> with which to write).
> Across town at the Basrah Teaching Hospital, the whimsical
> rulings of 661 are not so comical. Dr Jawad Al-Ali, the director of
> oncology, trained in the UK and a member of the Royal College
> of Physicians, talked of an "epidemic" of cancers in southern
> Iraq. "The number of cancer cases is doubling every year. So is
> the severity of the cancers, and there has been a big increase in
> cancer among the young," he said.
> Last week he was struggling to treat 20 cancer patients with "a
> huge shortage of chemotherapy drugs" and just two days supply
> of morphine. "We are crippled," he said, "by Committee 661."
> The doctor applied for, but was denied, life-saving machinery –
> deep X-ray equipment, blood component separators, even
> needles for biopsies. All, said 661, could have military use.
> Tell that to Mofidah Sabah, the mother of four-year-old Yahia. The
> little boy has both leukaemia in relapse and neuroblastoma, a
> cancer behind the eye that has bulged and twisted his left
> eyeball in its socket. Ms Sabah travels miles every day to sit and
> cuddle her son on his grubby bed. If Yahia lived in Birmingham,
> his chances of survival would not be in much doubt. But not in
> Basrah. "I'm afraid he will not live very long," Dr Amer whispered.
> Ms Sabah said: "I will leave everything to God, but I want God to
> revenge those who attacked us." Yahia's illness is not her first
> brush with tragedy. She lost 12 members of her family during an
> Allied bombing in 1991. Her husband, a soldier, fought in the
> Gulf war. He is still in the Iraqi army and has just been reposted,
> to Qurna, 50 miles north of Basra and among the contaminated
> former battlefields. Qurna, according to legend, was the site of
> the Garden of Eden.

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