
At 15:27 2001-12-06 +0000, STEVE KACZYNSKI <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>I think that this war has seen the US establishment and its allies engage 
>in systematic lying and the concealment of information and events, though 
>with so much at stake ruling classes do not act like truth-telling boy 
>scouts anyway.
>In earlier posts I overstated the Taliban's powers of resistance. 
>Unfortunately, I think the US etc. authorities will begin attacking other 
>countries, thinking that they had a relatively easy ride in Afghanistan. I 
>believe the next target is Iraq, which indeed has never stopped being 
>attacked. The signals that Iraq is next up for assault are very strong. 
>Other countries like Britain and Turkey are being pulled into line for 
>just such an attack.
>Steve K.

Yes, you're right, Steve. I on my part am guessing, though,
that the US authorities will not dare an all-out war against
Iraq soon. The British ones for instance seem to be rather
much against it, and some "influential" US circles too. The
international resistance by the people against the Afghanistan
war has had some effect, I think. One should of course be
prepared against all possible new atrocities anyway. And that
war which still is going on against Iraq - constant air attacks,
the murderous economic blockade - is outrageous enough.
As we probably all agree, it must be strongly protested
against and brought to an end too.

Rolf M.

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