----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, December 08, 2001 10:02 AM
Subject: [NCP] Join the protests

Editorial - 7/12/2001.
Join the protests.

LEADING hawks in the United States are stepping up their
efforts to widen the war.

The tragic events of 11 September are no justification for
the war against Afghanistan. But the imperialist murderers
care nothing for the truth and nothing for the lives of
people who are already suffering appalling hardship.

This criminal clique in the US capitalist class now want
to use the pretext of 11 September to attack Iraq, Somalia,
and others that stand against imperialism.

No doubt great lies will be dreamed up in the corridors of
Washington to slander these countries -- all served up under
the cover of unnamed intelligence sources. When the world's
media have chewed the lies around a bit the hawks will
declare that war is the only option.

This is the biggest lie of all -- imperialist war is only a
good option for capitalists -- it is always a catastrophe for
the working class, for the poor and the oppressed peoples of
the world.

The war against Afghanistan has to be stopped, the bombing
has to stop and plans for new wars have to be abandoned.
Millions of people are joining the protests against these
imperialist wars. The US and British flags are frequently
burnt in massive demonstrations. And in the US and Britain
the peace demonstrations are growing week by week and day
by day.

The world's poorest people are being bombed by the high-tech
warplanes of the world's richest country. Refugees facing
starvation and absolute destitution are being denied the most
basic necessities of life because of the dislocation of war.

Barefooted children in a land awaiting the snows of winter
stare out of our TV screens and we know the US is still
bombing the towns and cities these children have fled from
and we know our government is still standing "shoulder to
shoulder" with the bombers. How can we say nothing?

Those images of poverty, injury and death are nothing
new. US imperialism and its allies have been responsible
for such scenes all around the world.

US planes once sprayed fleeing children in Vietnam with
napalm, they destroyed whole forests and tons of crops
with defoliants, they setvillages alight with
flame-throwers. They bombed cities, ports and towns
and strafed field-workers as they walked to work.

In Korea the US-led forces flattened cities, slaughtered
and maimed millions as imperialism tried to impose its
will and presence on socialist Asia.

Imperialist war is today the greatest threat to humanity.
In Iraq the US bombs, tipped with depleted Uranium, killed
when they fell and then killed again later when the DU dust
caused the cancer rate to rocket. Iraqi children are also
dying unnecessarily because of US-imposed sanctions.

And throughout the world millions live in utter poverty
because imperialism calls the shots on trade, on borrowing,
on economic rights.

And the US claims to be fighting "terrorism"! It claims
to be surprised that it was attacked. It ought to know
that almost everywhere else people may have been
surprised but there was little need to ask why.

Britain's government has also got its hands in the same
blood bowl and is bringing shame home. We, like millions
of decent, peace-loving Americans have to stand up and be
counted at this time. We cannot stay silent while people
die from cold and hunger as military brass write them off
as so much collateral damage or just numbers on a civilian
casualty list.

Join the protests for peace! Say No to the war! Say No to
the hawks!

New Communist Party of Britain Homepage
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