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----- Original Message -----
From: Action Center <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 09, 2001 1:05 PM
Subject: [IAC] Ramsey Clark Speaking NYC Thu 12/13

The Antiwar Movement Responds to Ashcroft's Targeting of 
Immigrants & Civil Rights 
Former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark to speak at a 
Public Forum titled "What is Really Behind the 'War on 
Thursday, December 13, 2001
 6:30 PM
 Community Church of New York
 40 East 35th Street (between Madison and Park)
 New York City
 $5-$10 donation
Speakers Include: 
Mara Verheyden-Hilliard - Partnership for Civil Justice
 Larry Holmes - Co-Director, International Action Center 
Dr. Asha A. Samad - Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition 
Yoomi Jeong - Korea Truth Commission 
Gamil M. Tawfik - Arabic Channel (TAC) 
Daniel Vila - NY Coalition for Peace and Justice 
Next Thursday evening, December 13, 2001, former U.S. 
Attorney General Ramsey  Clark will be joined by a panel 
of legal activists, anti-war organizers and others 
convening a public forum  titled "What is Really Behind 
the War on Terrorism"?   
"Before September 11, Attorney General Ashcroft was 
  notorious for both his public support of the Confederate 
south and his deep desire to end abortion rights," said 
  Teresa Gutierrez, a co-director of the International 
  Action Center.  "Now, using the cover of a false 'war on 
terrorism' - one that will have claimed the lives of 
  thousands of civilians in Afghanistan through bombing 
  and/or refugee starvation - Ashcroft is seizing the 
moment  to spearhead a vast attack on civil rights, civil 
  liberties, immigrants and other people of color." 
This week the INS announced its plan to turn over to the 
FBI 314,000 names of people at risk of deportation, to be 
  placed on the "National Crime Information Center" 
database. INS Commissioner James Ziglar said on Wednesday: 
 "If you don't want to be one of the guests in a detention 
  center while we're getting your documents together, you 
 might want to just go on home."   
"The so-called war on terrorism is a thin cover for the 
  long-held right-wing desire to criminalize immigrants and 
  expand the power of the government to harass them," said 
  Gutierrez.  Gutierrez said Ashcroft's actions have 
  strengthened racism and anti-immigrant violence.  "On 
Tuesday, hours before the FBI raid on the Holy Land 
  Foundation office in Chicago, that city's Arab American 
  Community Center was hit by arson.  The office space of 
  the Committee for a Democratic Palestine was totally 
  gutted.  Now is the time for the progressive movement to 
come together and fight for civil liberties and against 
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