"But organizers claim the purpose of the fund raisers is to raise money for a
 reservoir project in Israel and has nothing to do with purchasing land in
 the Palestinian territories"
Of course this so called "charity" doesn't raise money to
buy land in the occupied Palestinian territories. The
Zionists don't "buy" Palestinian land....they simply take it
by force! They believe it's already theirs anyway. After all,
according to them, their god gave it to them!! Substitute the
phrase "chosen people" for "master race" and you get the
real picture of what's going on..
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, December 08, 2001 11:19 PM
Subject: Scotland: Clinton faces protests at three Jewish charity dinners in UK
Ananova :
Clinton faces protests at three Jewish charity dinners in UK
Bill Clinton is expected to face a frosty reception from pro-Palestinian
 campaigners on his arrival in Britain.
Mr Clinton is the special guest speaker at three charity dinners for the
 Jewish National Fund.
Protests are planned outside the first event in Glasgow on Monday.
Supporters of the Palestinian cause, including George Galloway, Labour MP
 for Glasgow Kelvin, and Scottish Socialist MSP Tommy Sheridan, have attacked
 the charity and the former president's decision to attend the dinners.
But organisers claim the purpose of the fund raisers is to raise money for a
 reservoir project in Israel and has nothing to do with purchasing land in
 the Palestinian territory.
JNF was set up 100 years ago to purchase land throughout Palestine in the
 hope that the state of Israel would one day be established.
JNF joint vice-president Stanley Lovatt, who invited the ex-president to
 give the talks, said: "The invitation to Mr Clinton was made back in March,
 way before the recent events in the Middle East, and has nothing to do with
 buying land in Palestine.
"The money we are raising specifically from these three dinners is going
 towards the building of a reservoir in the Negev region, in the name of Bill
"The Israeli problem is only going to form a small part of Mr Clinton's
 speech, the rest will be taken up with thoughts about US and British
 relations and his thoughts as a former world leader."
Security is expected to be tight throughout Mr Clinton's itinerary, but no
more than for a normal visit by a former US president, according to event
Story filed: 04:14 Monday 10th December 2001
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