----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 1:50 PM
Subject:  Drop dead, Castro tells Chavez opponents

Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit


Drop dead, Castro tells Chavez opponents

PORLAMAR, Venezuela, Dec 12 (Reuters) - Cuban President Fidel Castro,
commenting on Venezuelan business leaders who organized a nationwide
protest strike against his friend President Hugo Chavez this week,
said he wished them all a "heart stoppage."

The 75-year-old Cuban president, who himself suffered a brief
fainting spell in public earlier this year, came to the defense of
his political ally late on Tuesday during a summit of Caribbean
leaders meeting in Margarita Island, Venezuela.

"I want to make a wish ... that the next stoppage be a heart
stoppage," the veteran Cuban leader said, referring to Monday's
one-day strike in Venezuela called by opponents of Chavez, which
brought much of the oil-rich country to a halt.

When other Caribbean leaders, tired at the end of several hours of
speeches and debate in Margarita, reacted with puzzlement to the
Cuban leader's outburst, he quickly explained he was referring to
Chavez's strike-organizing domestic political opponents.

"What I mean is, a (heart) stoppage for those who organized the
(work) stoppage," Castro said, his comments playing on the Spanish
word "paro," which is the same for a strike, or work stoppage, and a
heart attack.

Opponents of Chavez in Venezuela's business community staged the
12-hour nationwide strike to protest his left-leaning reform laws
that they say are anti-business and anti-investment and seem inspired
by Castro's communist-ruled Cuba.

The outspoken Venezuelan paratrooper-turned-president, who is an
admirer of Castro, says his "revolutionary" reforms are needed to
close the wide gap between the impoverished majority and wealthy
minority in his country.

08:46 12-12-01

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