
The effects of Hollywood pro-war propaganda on our society

Dear friends,

I'm forwarding this e-mail that I got from my friend Stella
to this list, because it shows how Hollywood and the
government work hand-in-glove to demonize the people
that our leaders have deemed our "enemies"! What's
scarey is that there are so many gullible people who fall
for all this propaganda, like that one guy who would make
such insensitive remarks as: "after we finish off Bin Laden and the
Taliban we
should go back to the balkans and finally finish off those Serb
and "F... the Serbs, a good Serb is a dead Serb"! The guy probably never

met a Serb in his life, but he just blindly hates whomever his
tells him to hate.

I urge everybody to boycott this movie "BEHIND ENEMY LINES"!

Peacefully yours,
Nancy Hey

>From : "sparta"
To :
Subject : Fw: Comment from a friend: More Serbian Demonization in the
U.S. (Behind Enemy Lines - Our big hero,
Date : Wed, 12 Dec 2001 17:04:14 -0500

I received this from a friend. It will truly make anyone reading this
sick to his or her stomach. This is
what Americans have been reduced to - justifying their hated, their
bigory, their racism, after seeing this
movie. Shame. This is the end reward from a "grateful nation" to the
heroic Serbian people, who rescued
over 500 American pilots shot down over Yugoslavia in WWII. Destruction.
Betrayal, then and
now. Goebbels would have been envious.


Dear Stella,

You might already be aware of this movie but in case you aren't I will
inform you!

Tonight I had the unfortunate experience of watching a big box office
hit at the movie
It was about the war in Bosnia, it made the Serbs look like evil
barbaric monsters and the
muslims like helpless victims!!
It was really horrible the way it made the Serbs look like.
I have seen many W.W.2 movies about the German Nazis but this made the
Serbs look
more evil than the Nazis!
It's one of the most popular movies in America right now and everybody
is talking about
how great a movie it is.

It's truly unbelievable, the demonization of the Serbian people still to
this day continues
Could you imagine Stella if you and I were Serbian? We would have to
hide our identity
because everyone thinks we're ruthless baby killers!
This is too much and it upsets me very much.
After the movie was over there were some military guys walking out of
the theater
discussing the film, they were saying "after we finish off Bin Laden and
the Taliban we
should go back to the balkans and finally finish off those Serb
Can you believe that? Unreal.
I responded to the dumb idiots by saying "it's ok for the U.S. to kill
muslims because we are
fighting the terrorists of Sept.11 but it's not ok for the Serbs to
defend themselves from the
very same type of Islamic terrorism, and for 10 years and still going to
this day, Sept.11 was
only one day, the Serbs have been fighting these terrorists for 10 years
and going!"
They responded to me by saying "F... the Serbs, a good Serb is a dead

Stella, this is the power of the media propaganda. They have made the
American people
loathe the Serbs!

I'm very upset at their comments and about this movie, sometimes I feel
like giving up and
stop talking about the Serbs and Yugoslavia, I get too emotional about
it and it's probably
unhealthy for me!
I don't know, I feel like I'm up against the whole world.

Your Ally,

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