
AP; Reuters. 13 December 2001.  Poor Sound Quality Fuels Suspicions in
the Arab World of a U.S. Scheme;  Many in Arab World Call Bin Laden
Video a Fake.

CAIRO -- Poor sound quality and reliance on U.S. government translations
significantly lessened the impact of the latest Osama bin Laden
videotape in the Arab world and fueled suspicion of a U.S. scheme to
blame Muslims for the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

"Is that possible! I can't believe bin Laden did it. The translation is
wrong and we hardly heard his voice. America just wants to implicate
Muslims," said Nadia Saqr, an Egyptian mother of two.

In the tape released Thursday by the Pentagon, there was no
finger-waving or grandiose threats and bin Laden referred to the Sept.
11 attacks in a casual tone.

Over dinner with his aides in the tape released Thursday, bin Laden
recited a poem about freedom and struggle and teased his spokesman,
Sulaiman Abu Ghaith, because he had known nothing about the Sept. 11
attacks. "Not everyone knew," bin Laden said in the tape.

It was a striking contrast to previous tapes. Coupled with poor sound
quality and U.S. government translations, the tape released by the
Pentagon instead of the Al-Jazeera station, left many Arab skeptics.

In Jordan, political analyst Labib Kamhawi said, at most, the video
shows bin Laden praising the attacks, but "does not prove that bin Laden
was responsible for" them.

In a recruiting video released after the October 2000 suicide attack on
the destroyer USS Cole in the Yemeni port of Aden, bin Laden praised the
deadly bombing but did not claim responsibility.

"I think this recording is forged ... I don't believe this tape is
authentic," said Sheikh Mohammad Saleh, a Saudi cleric.

Ali, a Saudi civil servant, concurred. "The picture is real but the
voice is not. It could be a voice over," he said. He had to watch the
videotape on a regional satellite station as Saudi state television
failed to broadcast it.

"Do the Americans really think the world is that stupid to think that
they would believe that this tape is evidence?" asked Abdul Latif
Arabiat, head of Jordan's mainstream Islamist party the Islamic Action

"In my view this tape has been fabricated by Washington to condemn bin
Laden and conceal America's ugly crimes in Afghanistan," said Yousef
Abdul Hamid, an Amman taxi driver.

A less skeptical Bahraini man said: "If the recording was real, it only
adds that bin Laden was aware of the incident but not necessarily that
he had planned it.''

"It is possible that another group was behind it but had informed bin
Laden about their plan," he concluded from the muffled tape, which was
accompanied by an official U.S. translation which some Arabs described
as inaccurate.

U.S. forces are bombing an area in Afghanistan where bin Laden and
followers are believed holed up.

"If the tape says anything it says the Americans are still looking for
evidence, but evidence should come before and not after," a Gulf
academic said. "The whole thing seems far-fetched."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller

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