
CNN (with additional material by Reuters). 13 December 2001. Official:
Bin Laden surrounded in caves.

WASHINGTON -- The United States believes opposition fighters and U.S.
troops have surrounded Osama bin Laden in a cave complex near Tora Bora,
a senior military official told CNN Thursday.

The official would not be specific about the size of the area bin Laden
was believed to be in.

While acknowledging bin Laden could still slip out of the Tora Bora
area, the official said, "Wouldn't it be a great Christmas gift if we
can get him before Christmas?"

"We think he's in Afghanistan, we are chasing him, he is hiding, he does
not want us to know where he is, we are asking everyone we can to help,"
said Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld earlier on Thursday.

The Afghan Islamic Press said U.S. special forces landed overnight in
Tora Bora and that U.S. helicopters had increased their flights between
Tora Bora and an airport in Jalalabad.

Meanwhile, anti-Taliban and U.S. forces continued to hunt for Taliban
ruler Mullah Mohammed Omar and his supporters. The best U.S.
intelligence indicated Omar was in Helmond province, to the west of
Kandahar, a senior military official said.

Eastern Alliance commanders had given al Qaeda fighters until noon local
time to surrender bin Laden and his inner circle. After the deadline
passed, al Qaeda fighters told CNN in a radio conversation they would
not end their holy war until the United States is destroyed.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller

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