
Thursday, 13 December, 2001, 12:17 GMT

Attack raises security questions
The attack took place despite heavy security

By BBC News Online's Sanjoy Majumder in Delhi

The attack on India's parliament came at a time of heightened security in
the wake of the attacks on the US and war in Afghanistan.

As such, it is bound to raise questions over whether the measures being
implemented are adequate.

The attackers entered what is one of the most heavily-protected buildings in
the country.

"This appears to be a fidayeen (suicide squad) attack and even the Pentagon
in the US was attacked by fidayeen"
 Home Minister LK Advani

Armed men apparently entered the complex in a vehicle with a fake security
sticker which identified it as a member of parliament's car.

The incident has come as a huge embarrassment to the government which has
been speaking in recent weeks of security threats against Indian targets,
including a specific attack on parliament.

Ministers move around with armed escorts

But India's Home Minister, LK Advani, rejected any criticism over security
measures, saying it was very difficult to prevent such attacks.

"There is no breach of security. This appears to be a fidayeen (suicide
squad) attack and even the Pentagon in the US was attacked by fidayeen," he

Security blanket

At the best of times, central Delhi - where most government offices are
located and officials reside - resembles a fortress.

Policemen clutching carbines can be seen around official buildings, many
inside specially erected watchtowers.

Ministers travel in armoured Indian-made Ambassador cars, escorted by
specially trained commandos.

"In any democratic society there is a balance between individual liberty and
 KPS Gill, retired police chief

And around the red-sandstone parliament building, which dates back to the
colonial era, security is even tighter.

More than 200 paramilitary troops guard its perimeter, while its gates are
manned by over 100 Delhi police personnel and the parliament's own security

In addition, the MPs and senior ministers have their own personal

Critics point out, however, that while the ordinary public has to put up
with the restrictions resulting from this extraordinary level of security,
those in positions of authority are rarely challenged.

This may explain why the militants used a fake official car to enter the

But other observers say that the measures in place are still not enough to
prevent determined attackers.

KPS Gill, a retired police official who led the fight against Sikh
insurgents in the late eighties, says it is difficult to prevent access to
public officials.

"In any democratic society there is a balance between individual liberty and
security," he told BBC News Online.

"Full proof security - where we close the access roads and take other such
measures - is impossible," he added.

Anti-terror bill

Recently, the government has been trying to pass a controversial
anti-terrorism bill through parliament.

The bill grants extraordinary powers to security forces to detain suspects
and raid suspected terrorist hideouts.

But the opposition has argued that existing laws were more than adequate to
fight terrorism, and that the new law could target minorities, especially
India's 120 million Muslims.

The attack on parliament may give the government more leverage in its
efforts to get the bill through.

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