The blast was did finally go off, but was at least delayed, by workers who refused
 to cross a picket line set up by striking security guards.
----- Original Message -----
From: nhteam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2001 10:22 PM
Subject: [TeamsterNews] Teamsters Refuse to Cross Picket Line at Area 51

Today: December 14, 2001 at 10:30:49 PST
Postponed nuclear weapons test detonated at Nevada site
LAS VEGAS (AP) - The refusal of some Nevada Test Site workers to 
cross a picket line of striking Area 51 security guards delayed a 
nuclear experiment for one day, a government official said.
The subcritical nuclear weapons experiment, Oboe 7, was successfully
 detonated Thursday after a one-day postponement for "operational 
support issues," said Darwin Morgan, spokesman for the National 
Nuclear Security Administration. The agency is a branch of the Energy 
Subcritical means no self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction occurred.
Morgan said final preparations for the test were delayed after 
Teamsters Union members balked Tuesday at crossing a guards' picket 
line at the Nevada Test Site gate in Mercury, 65 miles northwest of 
Las Vegas.
Wayne R. King Sr., business agent for Teamsters Local 631 in Las 
Vegas, said teamsters chose individually not to cross the picket 
line. He said the guards went back to work late Tuesday.
About 70 members of the independent Security Police Association of
 Nevada struck Monday and Tuesday, citing what they said was a 
stalemate after three months of negotiations with their employer, 
EG&G Technical Services Inc. in Las Vegas.
Information from: Las Vegas Review-Journal
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