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.U.S. accused of its crimes
  Pyongyang, December 14 (KCNA) -- It was disclosed recently that the
U.S. military commanded an operation to put down the anti-U.S. resistance of
Jeju islanders in South Korea in 1948. In this regard Minju Joson today runs
a commentary branding the U.S. imperialist aggressors as the sworn enemy as
they have brought misfortune and sufferings to the Korean nation.
The uprising of Jeju islanders was just as it reflected the ardent
desire and fixed will of the South Korean people to build a unified
independent country by the nation itself, free from outsiders' domination
and intervention, the commentary says, and goes on:
Owing to the above-said massacre by the U.S. imperialists, a quarter of
the population in the island were brutally killed in a little more than two
years. The present reality calls for a more vigorous struggle to get the
U.S. forces withdrawn from South Korea.
The Korean people will wage the anti-U.S. struggle for independence as a
nation-wide movement and surely make the U.S. pay for such crimes and drive
its forces out of South Korea without fail.
The U.S. imperialists should apologize to the Korean nation for the
brutal quelling of the April 3 Popular Uprising of Jeju islanders and
withdraw its forces from South Korea at once.


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