
That's right.  The NWO is like a cancer, creating more and more victims all the


> ---------------------------
>   Of course he doesn't know what the protesters "are upset" about.
> Can we blaim him given all the sins committed and people
> wronged during his tenure as Cheif Imperial Officer of the NWO ?
> On 12 Dec 01, at 21:03, Nancy Hey wrote:
> > ---------------------------
> >
> > "I can't comment on the protests because I don't know what they are
> > upset about," [Clinton] said. Wow, how clueless can you get?
> > Old Slick Willie's never had to worry about having HIS
> > home bulldozed!
> >
> >
> > Miroslav Antic wrote:
> >
> > > ---------------------------
> > >
> > > Protest over Clinton speech
> > >
> > >,4057,3413213%255E1702,00.html
> > >
> > > >From AP
> > > 11dec01
> > >
> > > GLASGOW: Former US president Bill Clinton was the target of
> > > pro-Palestinian demonstrators as he prepared to begin a speaking tour
> > > organised by a Jewish charity.
> > >
> > > About 300 protesters gathered outside the Hilton Hotel in Glasgow and
> > > shouted and jeered at guests arriving for the centenary fundraising
> > > dinner, hosted by the Jewish National Fund.
> > >
> > > About a dozen demonstrators dumped a burning effigy of Clinton near the
> > > entrance to the hotel, forcing security staff to put out the flames with
> > > fire extinguishers.
> > >
> > > Many chanted "shame" and "Palestine" and waved banners which read "Stop
> > > Israel's War Crimes" and "Justice Through Peace."
> > >
> > > The British-based charity was founded in 1901 to raise money to purchase
> > > land throughout Palestine in the hope that a state of Israel would one
> > > day be established.
> > >
> > > Joint vice-president Stanley Lovatt said Clinton's three fundraising
> > > dinners had been organised to raise money for a reservoir project in the
> > > Negev region of Israel.
> > >
> > > "The Israeli problem is only going to form a small part of Mr Clinton's
> > > speech, the rest will be taken up with thoughts about US and British
> > > relations and his thoughts as a former world leader," Lovatt said.
> > >
> > > Clinton, who flew into Scotland earlier in the day and played golf at
> > > Turnberry on the west coast, arrived at the hotel before most of the
> > > demonstrators began to gather.
> > >
> > > He told reporters he would be talking about the campaign in Afghanistan
> > > and the war on terrorism, but refused to comment on the protests against
> > > his visit.
> > >
> > > "I can't comment on the protests because I don't know what they are
> > > upset about," he said.
> > >
> > > MP Tommy Sheridan, who is a Scottish Socialist Party member in the
> > > Scottish parliament, said he was attending the demonstration to "stand
> > > up against the injustice of an illegal occupation of Palestine,
> > > supported and financed by the United States of America, both past
> > > presidents and present".
> > >
> > > About 750 guests have paid L125 ($350) a head to hear the former
> > > president speak in Glasgow, followed by a question and answer session
> > > with the audience.
> > >
> > > Clinton will address another fundraising dinner in Manchester, northern
> > > England, tomorrow and a third in London the next day.
> > >
> >
> >

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