
Ananova :

Powell blames Palestinian violence for recalling envoy

US Secretary of State, Colin Powell has blamed Palestinian violence for US
envoy Anthony Zinni's departure from the region after three weeks of efforts
to arrange a cease-fire.

Fresh violence stalled early progress in the peace process made by Zinni,
who was told on Saturday to return to Washington, Powell said.

"We sent General Zinni over to try to get that dialogue going, and all of
that was blown up by these terrorist organizations on the Palestinian side,"
he said.

"Hamas, a terrorist organization, started killing innocent civilians with
car bombs in Jerusalem, Haifa and elsewhere. And they attacked this process;
they attacked innocent Israelis," Powell said on "Fox News Sunday."

"But even more fundamentally and troubling, they attacked Yasser Arafat and
his authority to lead the Palestinian people toward a cease-fire and a
process of peace."

Zinni's mission was accompanied by a surge in attacks by Islamic militants
on Israelis, followed by Israeli reprisals in which more than 60
Palestinians and 40 Israelis were killed.

Nonetheless, Powell said: "Right now, I don't want to lose hope. The Zinni
mission has not failed. The parties have failed. Zinni went to help them,
and they were not ready ... to be helped at this point."

Zinni is to consult with President George W. Bush and Powell about the
situation - meetings which Powell said had always been planned.

Story filed: 16:43 Sunday 16th December 2001

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