
WSWS : News & Analysis : Europe : The Balkans

                 Elections confirm popular hostility
                 towards Kosovo Liberation Army

                 By Tony Robson
                 17 December 2001

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                 The most significant feature of November's elections
                 for the new assembly in Kosovo is the continued failure
                 of the political successors of the Kosovo Liberation
                 Army (KLA) to win any substantial support at the ballot

                 The Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), under former
                 KLA leader Hashim Thaci, received 25.5 percent of the
                 vote, similar to its performance in last October's
                 municipal elections. The Alliance for the Future of
                 Kosovo (AAK), headed by Ramush Hajredinaj, another
                 former KLA leader, won just 7.8 percent of the vote.
                 Both parties trailed way behind the Democratic League
                 of Kosovo (LDK) of Ibrahim Rugova, the oldest
                 established Albanian nationalist party, identified as
                 leading a non-violent campaign for separation. The
                 LDK emerged as the outright winner with 46.3 percent
                 of the vote, but this margin is well short of the
                 it requires within the new government.

                 The Western media has hailed the result as a victory
                 moderation and proof that a maturing democracy is
                 taking shape in the Yugoslav province, which now
                 exists as a NATO protectorate. However, the body
                 responsible for supervising the elections-the
                 Organisation for Security and Cooperation in
                 Europe-avoided such bold assertions and instead
                 downgraded its usual standard for internationally
                 supervised elections from "free and fair" to
                 and credible". This is in recognition of the ethnic
                 hatred that continues to pervade the province, where
                 Serb and non-Albanian minorities do not enjoy freedom
                 of movement for fear of violent attacks.

                 Any attempt to credit the Western powers for the
                 extremists poor showing at the ballot box is sheer
                 hypocrisy, given the fact that they played the primary
                 role in promoting the KLA in the first place and have
                 continued to bolster the paramilitaries within the
                 protectorate since its establishment.

                 At the Rambouillet talks in February 1999, the US
                 sidelined Rugova and insisted that KLA
                 commander-in-chief Thaci head the Kosovar
                 negotiating team. This was combined with the
                 ultimatum that the Serbian government of Slobodan
                 Milosevic surrender all sovereignty to NATO.

                 America's aim was to create a provocation that would
                 provide them with a pretext to go to war. The KLA then
                 served as a proxy for NATO in its 79-day war against
                 Yugoslavia. Afterwards, the US set up the KLA as the
                 dominant force in the province.

                 There have been three different forms of post-war
                 government in Kosovo-the KLA provisional
                 government (PGK), the LDK government based upon
                 the parallel elections of 1998 and the United Nations
                 interim administration (UNMIK). The Western powers
                 began to put together an administration under their
                 control, which allotted key positions to the KLA. The
                 latter had taken advantage of its military exploits to
                 impose its rule in 23 of the province's 30
                 municipalities, taking over state enterprises and the
                 running of public services including hospitals and
                 schools. The KLA, along with the five other opposition
                 parties to Rugova's LDK, were given international
                 recognition by the major powers. This was exemplified
                 by the invitation extended to KLA representatives to
                 attend the Balkan Stability Pact forum in July 1999,
                 while the LDK were excluded. The KLA were also
                 given a controlling voice on the UN-sponsored Kosovo
                 Transitional Council.

                 In the municipal elections last October, however, the
                 LDK became the main beneficiary of the discontent that
                 had arisen at this attempt to install the KLA into
                 positions of authority. While independence remained
                 the overriding sentiment amongst ethnic Albanian
                 voters, there was growing opposition to the KLA's
                 criminal activities and Mafia-style politics. (See:
                 communal elections: new conflicts on the horizon).

                 This was despite the best efforts of the US to sanitise
                 the political image of the KLA. In the run-up to the
                 elections, Thaci, in his role as leader of the newly
                 formed PDK was given a hero's welcome in America.
                 He visited the UN Headquarters, met with officials
                 from the State Department and was an honoured guest at
                 the Democratic Party Convention. While the
                 mainstream media paid little attention to this tour, it
                 was heavily promoted by the Voice of America radio
                 station, whose principal audience is Europe, in order
                 bolster Thaci's credibility as a statesmanlike figure.

                 While the PDK has failed to increase its standing via
                 the ballot box, one of the main ways in which it has
                 perpetuated its influence has been through its
                 dominance of the Kosovo Protection Corps (KPC).
                 Described as a reserve National Guard, the KPC was
                 set-up under the auspices of UNMIK. Giving the KLA
                 cadre a central role in the KPC was described as the
                 "demilitarisation" of the guerrilla outfit. However,
                 while the deadline for handing over weapons were
                 continually deferred and new caches of arms continued
                 to be discovered-leading to conflicts between
                 NATO's K-FOR "peace keeping" troops and the
                 KLA-5,000 of the paramilitary organisation's
                 estimated 30,000 membership have been absorbed into
                 the KPC reserve force.

                 UNMIK appointed former KLA commander Agim Ceku
                 to be the KPC's Chief of Staff. Ceku is implicated in
                 the ethnic cleansing of Serbs whilst serving with the
                 Croatian forces during the military offensives in Medak
                 in 1993 and the Krajina in 1995. Evidence to this
                 was leaked from an internal report submitted to The
                 Hague tribunal prior to NATO's military intervention
                 in Kosovo.

                 A report submitted to the UN Secretary General last
                 year said that the KPC was responsible for "criminal
                 activities-killings, ill-treatment/torture, illegal
                 policing, abuse of authority, intimidation, breaches of
                 neutrality and hate-speech." This is backed up by a
                 number of sources. The Economist noted last
                 November: "Foreigners and locals alike complain that
                 UNMIK and KFOR have gone soft on the local
                 gangsters to avoid a backlash against their presence.
                 Certainly, members of the local police and Kosovo
                 Protection Corps (KPC), a civil-defence force, both
                 staffed in large part by the former KLA fighters, have
                 been implicated in all sorts of shady dealing, as have
                 many well-known ex-KLA politicians. Late last year,
                 for example, UNMIK police arrested Idriz Brahimi, a
                 KPC leader, on five counts of murder and torture.
                 Another prominent former guerrilla was arrested on
                 weapons charges, but later released without
                 explanation. In private, UN officials argue that it is
                 better to keep such thugs uniformed, organised and busy
                 than underground, disenfranchised and bitter."

                 Last August the military journal Jane's stated:
                 "UNMIK is not handling matters particularly well. The
                 decision to create the Kosovo Defence Force (TMK),
                 which employs a number of former KLA guerrillas, as
                 a supposedly 'civilian' emergency task force merely
                 perpetuated the core of the KLA under cover of a
                 legitimate body."

                 The KLA, therefore, remains a force in the land thanks
                 to Western sponsorship and despite the evident
                 of the majority of ethnic Albanians and the hatred of
                 ethnic Serbs and other minorities. Two-thirds of the
                 Serb population were driven out of the province by the
                 KLA, under the noses of K-FOR troops. Most of the
                 100,000 Serbs that remain live in enclaves guarded by
                 NATO forces, with over half of these residing north of
                 the river Ibar in the divided town of Metrovica.
                 According to one source, although Serbs and other
                 minorities represent only 10 percent of the population,
                 they account for 50 percent of murder victims. More
                 than five Serbs are shot, blown-up or beaten to death
                 every month.

                 In the November elections, both the PDK and the AAK
                 failed to break out of the confines of what have become
                 their rural fiefdoms. The parties and their leaders are
                 associated with the bulk of criminal activity that has
                 flourished in the protectorate. An estimated four to
                 eight tonnes of heroin are thought to pass through
                 Kosovo and neighbouring Serbia and Albania every
                 month. The province is also the transit route for the
                 smuggling of guns, cigarettes, petrol, stolen cars and
                 forged documents. The split between Hajredinaj and
                 Thaci is originally believed to be over the control of
                 petrol stations.

                 While these gangster elements clash over who controls
                 the booty, the vast majority of the population is
                 further into poverty. Nationalism is promoted to the
                 exclusion of all social issues in a province where
                 unemployment runs at between 50 to 60 percent.

                 While Rugova's LDK won the election, their slender
                 majority means that they will have to look to either
                 PDK or AAK to form a coalition. During the elections,
                 all three Kosovar-Albanian parties tried to outdo each
                 other by presenting themselves as the most determined
                 champions of independence. Although the political
                 scene continues to be dominated by nationalist
                 demagogues, there are signs that a significant section
                 voters feel disenfranchised as a result. The proportion
                 of registered voters taking part in November's
                 elections as compared with those last October declined
                 from 78 percent to 63 percent.

                 See Also:
                 Behind the Milosevic trial: the US, Europe and the
                 Balkan catastrophe
                 [4 July 2001]

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