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From: SolidNet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 9:38 AM
Subject: CP USA, Colombia: Next target of war on terrorism?
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           CP USA, Colombia: Next target of war on terrorism?
                     From: RedNet, Fri, 14 Dec 2001
             mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ,

               Colombia: Next target of war on terrorism?
                             by Sarah Staggs

People's Weekly World Newspaper, Dec 15, 2001

Arriving in Colombia a day before the start of the 18th Congress of the
Colombian Communist Party (CPC) gave me an opportunity to visit the
famous Gold Museum in Bogota.

Beyond the exquisite display of finely crafted gold pieces from the
indigenous Indian cultures of Colombia was an important political
lesson. After explaining the deep spiritual and religious value of gold
in the early indigenous cultures, a tour guide explained that this was
in stark contrast to the Spanish conquistadors who wrought violence and
destruction as they stole vast quantities of gold to enrich the Spanish

Fast forward to the present and simply substitute multinational
corporations as the conquistadors of the 21st century and you can begin
to explain the violence and terror directed at the students, workers and
peasants of Colombia.

The struggle to determine who will benefit from the riches of Colombia’s
natural resources and the wealth created by its people is at the heart
of the crisis in Colombia today.

It was in the context of this struggle that the CPC opened its 18th
Congress, held Nov. 9-11, in Bogota, Colombia. Over 400 delegates ­
workers, academics, peasants, unemployed and students ­ attended three
days of intense deliberations under the banner: "For a New Country."

One of the main themes of the congress was to expose the new danger of
outright U.S. military intervention in Colombia. Responding to the
United States’ post-Sept. 11 war on terrorism, Jaime Caycedo, general
secretary of the CPC, said, "This new policy presents a most serious
obstacle to the possibilities of a political solution in Colombia."

Another main theme throughout the deliberations was how to support the
peace process between the Colombian government and the Revolutionary
Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC).

Carlos Lozano, editor of the CPC’s newspaper, Voz, said, "The banner of
peace is the party’s proposition. The most important task is to pursue
the Common Agenda," an accord reached between FARC and President Andres
Pastrana through the peace process. The Common Agenda consists of a
10-point structural program that addresses development, the economy,
unemployment, education and biodiversity in Colombia.

Lozano, a member of the Commission of Notables, investigated solutions
to the current civil war and crisis in Colombia. The commission’s report
recommended a solution in the framework of a bilateral truce, ceasefire
and cessation of hostilities, which would create the space for a
discussion and implementation of the Common Agenda.

"As a nation, we have two choices: war or peace," said Luis Eduardo
Garzon, former leader of the Patriotic Union, as he addressed the
congress. Garzon is running as a presidential candidate for the Social
Political Front in Colombia.

"If we choose war, it will spread across South America, with the danger
of fragmenting Colombia and other countries. The ultimate cost of the
war will be death for thousands of Colombians. It is the economic,
social and political issues that have forced President Pastrana to
negotiate with FARC in the peace process." A war against FARC will not
address these issues, therefore peace is the choice Colombians must
make, he said.

While President Bush, and the oil interests he represents, advance their
threats to nations across the globe under the pretext of a war against
terrorism, Caycedo said, "we must reaffirm the position of the Colombian
Communist Party, that the Colombian guerrilla movements are not

In an escalation of Bush’s war on terrorism, Anne Patterson, U.S.
ambassador to Colombia, announced in late October that the U.S. will
provide Colombia with counter-terrorism aid. The announcement followed
the declaration by the State Department’s top counter-terrorism official
that Washington’s strategy for fighting terrorism in the Americas will
include "where appropriate, as we are doing in Afghanistan, the use of
military power."

Little doubt was left that FARC would be the target when the official
stated that FARC "is the most dangerous international terrorist group
based in this hemisphere."

Caycedo pointed out that "terrorism in Colombia is in fact
state-sponsored terrorism with its most repugnant expression being the
paramilitary forces who assassinate and massacre with total impunity in
broad daylight without any action by the Colombian government."

The delegates, nearly one-third of whom were involved in trade union
work, were militant in their resolve to build the Party in face of very
difficult conditions, including state-sponsored violence against
activists. Thunderous applause welcomed Wilson Borja, leader of the
government workers’ union, when he mounted the stage on crutches to
address the Congress.

One year ago, Borja was attacked by paramilitaries in Bogota after
joining with leaders of the oil workers’ union to call for starting a
peace dialogue with the ELN, the second largest guerrilla organization
after FARC, and calling for the establishment of a demilitarized zone in
the north of the country, where they operate.

He sustained severe injuries from which he is still recovering one year

Trade union leaders in Colombia are special targets of attack because of
their role in demanding corporations provide decent wages and working
conditions. Three-fifths of all trade unionists killed in the world
today are killed in Colombia.

In some cases paramilitary organizations perform the dirty work of
union-busting and boosting corporate profits, as in the case of the Coca
Cola’s Colombian subsidiary, Bebidas y Alimentos. It was at its bottling
plant in Carepa in 1996 that union leaders were killed by paramilitary
forces and remaining employees were given an ultimatum to resign from
the union, leave Carepa or be killed.

The paramilitary organizations, loosely organized into the United
Self-Defense Forces of Colombia, have been described as a "Sixth
Division" of Colombia’s army, a reference to the close collaboration and
coordination between the paramilitary forces and the army.

Human Rights Watch, in their October 2001 report, documents "detailed
and compelling evidence that certain Colombian army brigades and police
detachments continue to promote, work with, support, profit from and
tolerate paramilitary groups, treating them as a force allied to and
compatible with their own."

The paramilitary groups have also worked to spread a campaign of fear
and terror in the countryside, resulting in displacement of peasants and
indigenous people and reducing resistance to corporate and large
landholder policies.

Under the guise of anti-terrorism, the U.S. government is stepping up
its war against Colombia’s leftist insurgents. Sen. Bob Graham (D-Fla.)
charges that of 500 incidents of terrorism committed worldwide against
U.S. citizens and interests last year, 44 percent were in one country ­

What Sen. Graham did not relate was that the majority of these so-called
"terrorist" attacks consist of bombings of oil pipelines that are used
by U.S. oil companies to transport crude oil from remote oil fields to
coastal ports.

The U.S. war against terrorism is thus exposed as a war against those
who would thwart the right of U.S. corporations to profit from the
extraction of Colombia’s natural resources.

Interest in Colombia and its rich resources ­ oil, natural gas, coal and
great biodiversity ­ is not new. Exxon, BP and Shell have been granted
generous concessions for oil drilling. Drummond Coal Co. of Alabama runs
one of the largest coal mines operating in Colombia today.

Other companies would like to take advantage of Colombia’s
industrialized work force under the essentially neocolonial conditions
that will accompany the proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA).
Colombia is also strategically situated as a natural trading platform,
with access to both the Pacific and the Atlantic oceans and at the
connecting juncture of North and South America.

In the main political report to the Congress, Jaime Caycedo charged that
the FTAA is a neo-colonial project "whose strategy is not only
economic." The FTAA’s plan goes far beyond trade to include
subordination of institutional, political and judicial norms of a
country to Washington, D.C.’s leadership.

It includes the adoption of measures that put the institutions of a
country under U.S. control without a formal colonial status. The
economic foundations of this U.S.-friendly environment are already being
laid in Colombia through the neo-liberal policies imposed by the
International Monetary Fund in return for its $2.7 billion loan to

It is in the interest of U.S. working people to support the aspirations
of Colombia’s people in their struggle for peace. Plan Colombia, the
so-called war against narco-terrorists (see sidebar), is simply the
military component of the FTAA, aimed at wiping out resistance to U.S.
corporate policies.

With the increased danger of an outright intervention by U.S. forces in
the name of fighting terrorism, it is our responsibility to help build a
movement to stop the dangerous plans of the White House and the


Who profits from Plan Colombia?

According to the Department of State Fact Sheet released in March 2000,
Plan Colombia is a strategy "promoting the peace process, combating the
narcotics industry and reviving the plan to end Colombia’s civil war."
Yet this $7.5 billion plan is designed primarily to assist the Colombian
military in its attempt to defeat FARC, the principal threat to the
national political and economic elite of Colombia. Funding for Plan
Colombia depends almost entirely on international sources, with the
primary funding coming from the United States.

With 80 percent of the $1.3 billion aid package, approved by President
Clinton in 2000, going directly to the Colombian military and police, it
is clear that Plan Colombia is a plan for war, not peace. The package
provided for sending up to 800 U.S. military and contractor personnel to
Colombia. An additional 300 civilian operatives were allowed, with only
the requirement to advise Congress when this number surpasses 300.

The bulk of the aid dollars is earmarked for delivery of attack
helicopters ­ Blackhawks and Hueys ­ giving the Colombian army greater
fire power to combat left-wing guerrillas and to help safeguard the
economic interests of U.S. corporations doing business in Colombia.

Add to this a $1 billion aid package through the Bush administration’s
Andean Initiative, which will provide additional assistance for military
and police forces in the neighboring countries of Peru, Bolivia,
Ecuador, Venezuela, Brazil and Panama, and you have the development of a
regional military force prepared to defend U.S. interests throughout the

The companies already profiting from the Plan Colombia aid package
include: United Technologies, which is receiving $234 million for 18
Blackhawk helicopters, Textron of Texas, which is receiving $84 million
to upgrade Vietnam-era Huey helicopters, and Lockheed Martin, which is
getting $68 million for early warning radar system. DynCorp, a firm that
hires U.S. veterans to provide training for foreign military personnel,
also is benefiting from this aid package.

While Plan Colombia claims a goal of eliminating large-scale drug
production, it targets the south of Colombia where coca is cultivated by
campesinos on plots of land less 7.5 acres in size. It is also the
region in which the 17,000 member FARC are strongest and have their
greatest support.

The campaigns of eradication are virtually ignoring the north, where
large-scale coca production takes place with support of the paramilitary
organizations. The fumigation and eradication campaigns have targeted
not only coca, but also food crops, water supplies and homes of
peasants, resulting in displacement from the countryside.

The eradication campaign thus contributes to the massive displacement of
Colombians, swelling the ranks of the already 1.9 million people that
have been forced from their homes through violence, primarily at the
hands of the paramilitary and the Colombian army.

This article is from


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