
New York Times. 18 December 2001. U.S. Again Placing Focus on Ousting

WASHINGTON -- The option of taking the war against terrorism to Iraq and
Saddam Hussein has gained significant ground in recent weeks both inside
the administration and among some key allies in the Muslim world,
according to administration officials and diplomats from the region.

President Bush's top national security advisers have made no
recommendation to attack Iraq.

But serious consideration to drive President Hussein from power, and
planning how to do so, are under way in the State Department and at the
Pentagon, officials said.

Senior Bush administration officials, in their statements and in
consultations with key allies, have indicated that the success of
military operations in Afghanistan is changing opinion in the Middle
East over the feasibility of moving against Mr. Hussein.

European opposition to any move against Iraq remains strong.

But Middle Eastern diplomats say Turkey's leaders have signaled that the
United States could use Turkish bases if the administration were
committed to toppling President Hussein. Such regional support is almost
certainly a critical factor in the administration's deliberations. But
it will be equally important to Mr. Hussein's neighbors to feel that
Washington is determined this time to overthrow him.

Turkey's shifting view became public late last month when Defense
Minister Sabahattin Cakmakoglu said, "We have several times said that we
don't wish an operation in Iraq, but new conditions would bring new
evaluations to our agenda."

In the past two weeks, at least one prominent Arab envoy in Washington
has reversed his view that an American-led military operation in Iraq
would be a disaster, or that it would fan the flames of Arab dissent and
perhaps lead to the overthrow of some weaker rulers.

The diplomat, who refused to be identified, argued that the current
military success in Afghanistan, the demonstration of a new model of
warfare there and the undermining of Osama Bin Laden's radical message
have created a new opportunity to act in Iraq.

"I now think it is doable," the diplomat said, adding that his own
government might oppose such an operation in public until it became
clear it was going to succeed. "This would require a lot of governments
to accept big political risks, but I believe that in Egypt, Saudi
Arabia, Jordan and Syria, the governments are strong enough to hold the
people and not have an uprising."

Asked today whether Iraq is next in the antiterrorist campaign,
President Bush said: "Oh, no, I'm not going to tell the enemy what's
next. They just need to know that so long as they plan, and have got
plans, to murder innocent people, America will be breathing down their

Over the weekend Secretary of State Colin L. Powell reiterated a very
explicit statement that it is United States policy to overthrow Mr.
Hussein and that "we are constantly reviewing ideas, plans, concepts" to
achieve this.

Secretary Powell also indicated for the first time that his dispatch of
a State Department team to northern Iraq last week was part of an
evaluation of "putting in place an armed opposition inside Iraq."

On Dec. 5, congressional leaders sought to frame the justification for
attacking Mr. Hussein in a letter to the president.

"For as long as Saddam Hussein is in power in Baghdad, he will seek to
acquire weapons of mass destruction and the means to deliver them," said
the letter, signed by Senators Trent Lott, Joseph I. Lieberman and John
McCain, among others.

"We have no doubt that these deadly weapons are intended for use against
the United States and its allies. Consequently, we believe we must
directly confront Saddam, sooner rather than later."

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Barry Stoller

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