
Hi Barry &all

Barry Stoller wrote:
> The WSM sucks!

Wow. What a way to get taken seriously.
According to your logic then, you must blow.

> The WSM criticize all actual socialism, supporting only the
> ideal.' 

What you think is actual socialism is a big fat lie. Wake and smell the

state capitalism. If you bothered to look into our case, you would see 
that we hold socialism attempted in one region or country is doomed to 
failure. So lets get past blunder #1 in attacking our case and discover

what socialism really is and not what the american media tell you it

> According to the 'Objectivists,' there is no 'real' capitalism. It's
> 'unknown ideal' corrupted in practice by horrible 'collectivists'
> Bill Clinton. Only when there are no, absolutely NO, restrictions on
> capital whatsoever -- child slavery, the works -- then, and only
> will the 'real' thing occur. Until then, it's only 'degenerated' or
> 'deformed' capitalism.
> Get the comparison here?

No, because invent our position and them condemn it by association all
one breath.

We could care less about Rand and the objectivists opinions of 
capitalism. If you want to commit the logical suicide of attempting to 
dismiss our case just because in your mind we resemble a group you do 
not like, then by all means go ahead. The crickets will be your
We don't wish for the purest form of socialism, we work for socialism, 
which has not and does not exist anywhere on earth. What is called 
"socialism" or "communism" is really just totalitarian state
In ChinaCubaKoreaUSSR, etc they still
- have money
- have a state
- work for wages
therefore what is going on in those places is not socialism at all.
country in the world is part of the capitalist system. The management 
styles differ, but they are all capitalist.

> The point: if we reject the crap Ayn Rand line posited above as sorry
> utopian apologetics, then, following that rejection, we must also
> the same when it is practiced by leftists and 'leftists.'

You can do what ever you want to do and sound like some network tv 
political pundit while you are doing it. If you think you are going to 
dismiss our case with a single wave of your logical wand, without even 
bothering to find out the most fundamental principles of our 
organization (you even used utopian as an insult...puhleeez), then I 
have no choice but to guffaw in your general direction and hand you
troll certificate. We've been around since 1904 for gawds sake!

By the way, we are not leftists. We do not fit the traditional 
political spectrum which gauges the government's involvement in the 
lives of people because we don't want any government. It's pretty plain

you know very little of what we stand for and prefer to make glaring
erroneous assumptions.

> Capitalism has a history -- a history in the real world -- and that
> history forms its critique AND its support.

You are right here.

> Likewise, socialism has a history -- a history in the real world --
> that history forms its critique AND its support.

You are silly here.

> To criticize WITHOUT acknowledging ANY support is to clearly take the
> other side.

Then why did you do it?


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