It is not a defeat. It is a victory that was partial but only possible BECAUSE  there is a world-wide movement to free Mumia Abu Jamal. In Europe, comrades are celebrating this as a significant response to the racist death penalty and the prison industrial complex.

Two weeks ago the Philadelphia police attacked a demonstration of 1000 supporters of Mumia, beating and dragging and arresting the demonstrators. This did not, said Pam Africa of the MOVE organization, ever happen before in the 20 years of protesting Mumia's incarceration on death row.

Following the determination by Judge Yohn, the Arnold Beverly confesson appeared on NBC television. AND MUMIA'S NAME WAS IN THE NEWS, in a ll the capitaliist media. Larry Murdoch's fascist tv stsation and the New York Post used the expression, "Fry Mumia." They revealed themselves to be the Klansmen lynch mobs.

They were echoing the sentiments just revealed by the Court Stenographer who was a young woman in 1981 and who heard Judge Szabo say, in the middle of the trial, "I have to help fry the n____r." I interviewed this woman in Philadelphia for People's Video Network and she tells the whole story on videotape. (She is one brave woman, not a leftist, but a person who had  to tell the truth because she knew that justice had not been done.)

No this is not freedom for Mumia, and the ruling class may yet want to kill him or to just jail him for life, but these 180 days are an opening for the movement to demand a new hearing and freedom for  Mumia.

This decision did not come because the judge worked over the legal aspects of the sentencing part of the trial for the last 2 years. It came because of the movement to free Mumia Abu Jamal, and we must see it as a result of all that has been done to expose the truth to the world.

So the Philadelphia police had a police riot and brutally attacked peaceful protesters and the court stenographer got her story out to the world, and NBC put the Beverly confession on national tv.

The right wing is panicking and the movement has been effective. Let us see this in perspective.We've won something on this one, and it is significant, giving an opening for real justice for Mumia.
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