
>(FTW) - On November 28th an estimated 1,000 people came from as far 
>away as Seattle and San Francisco to Portland State University to 
>see FTW Publisher/Editor Mike Ruppert give a 2 hour lecture and 
>documentary presentation on the events surrounding the September 
>11th attacks and their aftermath. Starting with an offer of $1,000 
>to anyone who could show that any of the sources he cited were not 
>authentic or misrepresented, Ruppert launched into an display of 
>more than 40 visual exhibits showing government complicity in and 
>foreknowledge of the attacks.
>The event was organized by the campus newspaper The Rear Guard and 
>its editor Dimitris Desyllas. I never expected that we would have 
>this kind of turnout, Desyllas said. But it is obvious that the 
>public has very deep concerns about what we are being told and what 
>the government is doing. We eventually brought in 860 chairs and 
>there were people all around the walls and on the floor. One of the 
>volunteer videographers at the event was a Native American spiritual 
>teacher of the Dakota Sioux nation, Skip Mahawk. Mahawk, then with 
>the 101st Airborne Division, won the Congressional Medal of Honor at 
>the legendary 1969 Vietnam War battle known as Hamburger Hill. 
>Mahawk refused to accept the decoration.
>Ruppert's lecture was full of documentary evidence. After pointing 
>out - among other things - that the Chief of Pakistani intelligence 
>(approved for his position by the CIA) ordered a $100,000 wire 
>transfer to lead hijacker Mohammed Atta; that the Bush family had 
>business dealings with the bin Laden family through the Carlyle 
>Group, that the U.S. and British governments had extensive military 
>deployments already in the area before the attacks, and that the 
>Bush administration had ordered the FBI to stop investigating two 
>relatives of Osama bin Laden living near CIA headquarters this 
>January, Ruppert launched into the centerpiece of the lecture which 
>was a visual presentation of his timeline of events around September 
>11th - which left some members of the audience in tears. See:
>Special attention was also paid to a newly resurrected Unocal 
>pipeline to transport oil and natural gas from the Central Asian 
>republics to the Pakistani coast for sale to China and Japan. Henry 
>Kissinger is on both ends of that deal.
>Audience reaction and anger was strongest as Ruppert presented 
>selected quotes from The Grand Chessboard, a 1997 book by former 
>Carter National Security Advisor and member of the Trilateral 
>Commission, Zbigniew Brzezinski. Those quotes - along with maps of 
>Central Asia - indicated clearly that the current war had been in 
>the planning stages for at least four years. Two particular quotes 
>from Brzezinski indicating the need for a Pearl Harbor-like attack 
>evoked boos and hisses for the intelligence expert and professor who 
>also served in the Reagan Administration.
>Ruppert closed the lecture with an analysis of the assault on 
>American civil liberties since September 11th in the form of the 
>so-called PATRIOT Act and several unilateral decisions made by 
>President Bush and Attorney General John Ashcroft which have 
>effectively nullified three amendments to the Bill of Rights and 
>taken away part of another. He also showed documentary evidence from 
>Congress supporting his claim that the Bush administration was going 
>to loot the Social Security Trust Fund.
>The audience responded to the lecture with a two minute standing ovation. ___
>The full story with photographs is available online at
>-- Mike Ruppert s website and information on his subscriber-based 
>newsletter From The Wilderness is located at 
><>./ Anyone interested 
>in arranging a 2002 lecture appearance can obtain additional 
>information by contacting Andrea Shepherd at 818-788-8791 or by 
>emailing mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Mike Ruppert "From The Wilderness"

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