
----- Original Message -----
From: Vicki Andrada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 21, 2001 9:00 PM
Subject: Fw: [iac-disc.] War is Working for Bush:

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 ----- Original Message -----
 From: "Rania Masri" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Sent: Friday, December 21, 2001 4:27 PM
 Subject: [iac-disc.] War is Working for Bush:


  December 21, 2001

  War is Working for Bush:
  Osama Becomes Saddam; Iraq Becomes the Scapegoat for
  U.S.Government-Produced   Anthrax Terror
  By Tom Turnipseed

 Polls in the United States show unprecedented support for George W. Bush
and his leadership in the victory of the world's sole super-power over the
destitute nation of Afghanistan, and its rag-tag Taliban government.

Bush has become enormously popular and empowered by war. He is cheered
on by a jingoistic and flag-waving media, from pandering pundits and
anchors to the travel industry employing Bush's visage in television
commercials telling you that to be a good American and help win the war,
you must hurry and buy your tickets. Bush destroyed the tattered Taliban in
Afghanistan with a mighty display of hi-tech bombing aided by local warlords
and warriors on the ground. He and his fellow warlords in Washington are
 planning where and how to keep the war momentum going now that the "the
 most evil one," Osama bin-Laden, appears to have vamoosed. In his Texas
cowboy cockiness that thinly disguises his rich Ivy League frat boy roots,
has  said he would get Osama "dead, or alive," but, at least for now, the
 object  of the greatest manhunt since Jesse James has escaped the noose.

Luckily, for George W., the perfect stand-in for the elusive Osama bin
Laden  is the arch-villain of his father, Saddam Hussein. Under his father,
 President George H. W. Bush's leadership, Saddam's relatively affluent
 country of Iraq was reduced to poverty by the Persian-Gulf War of 1991
 and  by the U.S.-driven economic sanctions continuing since the War. In
that War,  more bombs were dropped on Iraq than the total dropped by
both sides in all  of World War II. An estimated 150,000 Iraqis were killed
with at least 1,000,000 more dying since due to the economic sanctions.

The elder Bush demonized Saddam as another Hitler, but withdrew U.S.
forces from Iraq  before finishing off Saddam Hussein and his government
after Kuwaiti oil  fields were secured for U.S. oil interests. The elder
also received the  adulation of the American public with favorable ratings
90% in the polls  at the height of the patriotic fervor of winning the war

 The  passion of patriotism cooled with the layoffs of a recession and the
 elder  Bush lost the election to Bill Clinton in 1992. But now the war
 terrorism is an all-encompassing global struggle, so with Cowboy George,
 it  is on to other impoverished Islamic countries "who might be harboring

 While there is military action brewing in the squalor of smaller Muslim
 countries like Yemen, Somalia and Sudan, the big enchilada for Cowboy
 George  the younger could be Iraq. Saddam is like Osama in that he came
into his
 own  in militaristic terrorism in a United States-backed war against Iran
 the  1980s, killing 1,000,000 people - much like the U.S. recruited Osama
 into the military business as a mujahedeen leader to terrorize the Soviets
 out of Afghanistan in the early 1980s. Anthrax cultures were supplied to
 by a Virginia firm, the American Type Culture Collection Company in 1985.
 Saddam has been demonized as a fiendish monster for more than ten years and
 there is an ol' family score to settle.

 Cowboy George has demanded Iraq allow U.N. inspections for chemical,
 biological, and nuclear weapons or they will find out what happens if
 they don't. Scott Ritter, an ex-U.N. weapons inspector in Iraq from the
 United States, has repeatedly said that such weapons had "been destroyed
or rendered harmless by 1998."

On December 20, the New York Times ran a  front page story about a
"defector" from Iraq, who is Kurdish and a member of a group opposing
Hussein called the Iraqi National Congress. He said he was an engineer who
had "personally worked on renovations of secret facilities for biological,
chemical and nuclear weapons." The story said the Iraqi defector "had been
interviewed twice by American intelligence officials"  according to

 On December 19, White House spokesperson Ari Fleischer said, "The
 evidence is increasingly looking like it was a domestic source" in
to  the anthrax spores used to kill five Americans in mail attacks.

The Associated Press reported on December 19 that several government
laboratories are being investigated who conducted anthrax research for the
CIA and the Department of Defense. The labs received samples form the U.S.
Army Research  Institute  of Infectious Disease at Fort Detrick, Maryland.
Military officials have  also admitted that the Army's Dugway Proving Ground
Utah has been  working with anthrax for bio-warfare since 1992. Last summer
the Bush  administration killed the inspection enforcement provision of the
Biological Weapons Convention saying it might expose the industrial secrets
U.S. biotechnological and pharmaceutical companies.

 Cowboy George wears his white hat into the continuing war against evil
 ones like Saddam Hussein to the praise of an adoring American public and
 Congress. On December 19 the U.S. House of Representatives passed a
 resolution by Rep. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina by a vote of 392-12
 that names Iraq as "a mounting threat to the United States, its allies, and
 international peace and security." The same day, U.N. Secretary General
 KofiAnnan warned the United States against attacking Iraq and said it would
"exacerbate the situation and raise tensions in a region that is already
under strain."

 Tom Turnipseed is an attorney, writer and civil rights activist in
 Columbia, South Carolina.

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