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.Iraq Capable of Defending Itself: Official.

Iraq is capable of defending itself and resisting any possible military
attacks launched by the U.S. under the pretext of war against terrorism,
Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Tareq Aziz said on Saturday.

Iraq   is capable of defending itself and resisting any possible military
attacks launched by the U.S. under the pretext of war against terrorism,
Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Tareq Aziz said on Saturday.

"We are confident of our capability of resisting any kind of (U. S.)
aggressions," Aziz told the state-run television.

Any U.S. attacks on Iraq would be rejected by "the whole world," he

There have been widespread speculations that the U.S. might launch military
strikes against Iraq as part of its war against terrorism, although the U.S.
has acknowledged that it found no link between Iraq and the September 11
terror attacks in New York and Washington.

U.S. President George W. Bush demanded Iraq in November to allow
international arms inspectors back after an absence of three years, or it
will face consequences.

The arms inspectors withdrew from Iraq on the eve of the U.S.- British air
raids on Baghdad in December 1998.

Iraq has been adamant in the face of U.S. threats by vowing to reject the
resumption of arms inspections and defend itself by all means.


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