
   Deutsche Welle
   English Service News
   25th December, 2001, 16:00 UTC

Sri Lankan Ceasefire Holding

Sri Lanka's first bilateral ceasefire in seven years - endorsed by both
sides on Christmas eve - appears to be holding. The island nation's new
government said it no reports of clashes in contested eastern and
northern regions. And, Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, on a visit
to India, said he believed the month- long ceasefire could extend beyond
January the 24th. The news agency AFP says rebel leader Verlupillai
Prabhakaran has reduced the Tamil Tigers' demand for a separate homeland
to one of political autonomy. Three decades of conflict have claimed at
least 60,000 lives.

Fresh Gunfire in Kashmir

India and Pakistan have exchanged more mortar and small arms fire across
their disputed border in mountainous Kashmir, with India saying two of
its soldiers and a civilian had been killed. It said it had also told
hundreds of civilians to leave local villages. Pakistan has demanded
that India prove its claim that Pakistan-based Kashmiri separatist
groups were behind the fatal attack on India's parliament two weeks ago.
A senior Pakistani army officer warned that continued border clashes
could spark an uncontrollable flareup involving the two nuclear rivals.
India's ambassador, recalled from Islamabad, has arrived back in New

Don't Exploit God's Name - Pope

Pope John Paul, in his Christmas address from Rome, has renewed calls
for peace and tolerance, saying people around the globe, children
especially, were distressed by tensions and wars. Christ's message of
peace remained valid, he added. He urged Christians, Jews and Moslems to
ensure that God's name was not exploited to justify death and terrorism.
The 81-year-old Pontiff also celebrated a solemn midnight mass televised
to 47 countries.

Shoe Checks at Airports

Security staff at airports on the both sides of the Atlantic are
checking passengers' footwear after Saturday's mid-air scare when a man
was found to have explosives hidden in his shoes. The Paris-to-Miami
flight was diverted to Boston where the suspect is now in jail pending
another court hearing. American Airlines has accused staff at Paris'
Charles de Gaulle airport of failing to react to its warning that the
man had behaved suspiciously. At Frankfurt Airport, passengers departing
on U.S. airline flights are being told to take their shoes off for extra
checks. At La Guardia and Miami airports in the USA similar checks are
also being made.

Pasko Jailed at Russian Retrial

At a retrial in Vladivostok, a Russian military court has imposed a
four-year jail term on the former Russian navy captain turned ecologist
Grigory Pasko for allegedly passing secrets to Japan. Two years ago
Pasko had walked free on high treason charges that in 1997 he'd given
Japanese journalists evidence that the Russian navy had dumped toxic
waste into the Sea of Japan. He had himself sought the re-trial, hoping
to clear his name on a remaining lesser charge. Russia's FSB security
service said it pressed the case because Pasko - as a former captain -
had breached of an oath of secrecy.

Israeli soldier killed at Jordan border

Unidentified gunmen have killed one Israeli soldier and wounded at least
three others in a rare incident on the Israeli-Jordan border. Jordan,
which made peace with Israel in 1994, said the shots were not fired from
its terrority. The incident occurred in a usually quiet area in the
Jordan Valley.

Indonesian Train Crash

The death toll has officially risen to 42 in Central Java where two
packed passenger trains were involved in a fatal crash. The accident
occured near the town of Brebes 280 km east of Jakarta. One local
official said one of the trains, travelling at high speed, crashed into
the stationary train at a small station just outside Brebes. The cause
of the accident is under investigation. However, a spokesman for the
railway company has said he suspects human error.

Australia battles Christmas Day bush fires

Dozens of summer bushfires blazed out of control in Australia's eastern
state of New South Wales on Christmas Day, forcing residents to flee and
destroying a handful of homes evacuated earlier. Fanned by hot, strong
winds of up to 90 kph , fires jumped containment breaks and officials
said homes and camp sites had to be evacuated on the outskirts of the
main city Sydney and in towns close to the capital Canberra. Thousands
of firefighters, backed up by helicopter and fixed wing water-bombers,
battled up to 70 fires in different parts of the state. Off-duty
firefighters recalled from Christmas celebrations in the Sydney
metropolitan region swelled the number of those tackling the flames to
around 5,000.

Germany Gripped by Winter

Snowfalls and snowdrifts continue to hamper traffic in eastern and
southern Germany but in western regions around Frankfurt and Cologne a
white Christmas is turning into a wet thaw. To the east, in the states
of Thuringia and Saxony, snow again trapped motorists in cars and and
caused train delays. Berlin's airports were closed briefly. To the south
in Bavaria, authorities warn of fresh snow storms and avalanches in the
Alps. Road crews are keeping main autobahns open but some secondary
roads are blocked.

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