
> W.W.J.D.?
>      Stephanie Salter
>      Sunday, December 23, 2001
>      ©2001 San Francisco Chronicle
>      URL:
>      My dear brother George:
>      May the peace of our Lord (and me) be upon you in this celebration
> season of my birth.
>      You have been much in my heart of late. Partly this is because I know
> the crushing pressure you feel as leader of the richest and most powerful
> nation on Earth.
>      Also, it is impossible not to think of you: Millions of people --
> millions, George -- pray for you every day. People of all faiths and
> denominations. People in countries you have never visited.
>      Even people who believe in no God offer up prayers of hope when they
> hear you speak or see you on television because you hold their fate in your
> hands.
>      Since Sept. 11, dear brother, I have noticed that you have turned away
> from me. I do not hear you ask yourself or anyone else the question you once
> asked all the time: "What would Jesus do?"
>      Remember, George? It was so familiar, it became an abbreviation:
> W.W.J.D.? When you ran for president, you told the world I was your favorite
> philosopher.
>      I know why you turned away. To face me, and all that I demand of those
> who follow me, requires tenacious courage and, in politics, a kind of
> leadership that is rare.
>      Some very sick, twisted and hate-filled men have inflicted great
> suffering upon you and your people. They have murdered in the name of The
> One Who Creates All, and they seem determined to go on murdering.
>      You want not only to keep them from hurting you again, you and your
> nation's people want to hurt them back. And you are willing to rationalize
> all manner of destruction, waste and -- if necessary -- killing toward those
> ends.
>      Dear brother, you are right to want to stop evil. The tricky part for
> humans has always been, what is the best way to stop it? My four-letter
> answer is written, over and over, in the Bible, but it has been ignored by
> potentates, peons and sometimes popes for 2,000 years.
>      Why? Because it contradicts the human instinct for vengeance.
>      Our Father said, "Vengeance is mine," George, not, "Vengeance belongs
> to those who have been wronged." Vengeance is never the answer to "What
> would Jesus do?" Especially vengeance that masquerades as "justice."
>      This is why I came, remember? Why I grew from Baby Jesus to Christ who
> suffered humiliation, unspeakable physical pain and a heart that was broken
> more times than there are stars in the skies.
>      As one who has accepted me as the light and the way, George, you have a
> great opportunity -- and a duty -- to show the world my way. The way of
> love.
>      As you know, I never said it would be easy.
>      Following me means forsaking the desire to hurt back, to rob your
> enemies of their humanness, even when their inhuman acts aim to rob you of
> yours. It means refusing to buy the Great Lie of evil -- that true peace and
> justice can be achieved through deliberate and systematic violence.
>      It means enduring the insults of angry and frightened people who
> wrongly equate "love thine enemies" with "have no spine."
>      To borrow from our holy brother Mahatma Gandhi, following me means
> donning the heavy cloak of peace and wearing it forever -- not just when it
> is convenient, or when you are watching someone else's war.
>      "Blessed are the peacemakers," was not a throw-away line I mumbled to
> Matthew. In Proverbs, "Seek peace and pursue it" listed no exemptions for
> world leaders.
>      Dear brother, as you celebrate my birth and reflect upon my life, I beg
> you, reverse the course. Pursue peace with the fervor, and resources, with
> which you now pursue our damaged and insane brother Osama bin Laden and the
> infested souls who follow his malicious path. They may be beyond reason and
> love, but millions more are not.
>      For God's sake, George, for the sake of your nation's future, face me
> again and ask what I would do.
>      ©2001 San Francisco Chronicle   Page D - 4

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