
   Deutsche Welle
   English Service News
   28th December, 2001, 16:00 UTC

Agreement reached as to how and when UN peacekeepers are to deploy in

Afghanistan's interim Defence Minister Mohammad Fahim and British Major
General John McColl, have agreed, how and when a long-awaited
international security force will be deployed in Afhganistan. Fahim said
the troops will be based near the Kabul airport, with 200-300 troops
operating from a location in the city centre. He added about 3,000
soldiers will be deployed with around 1,000 men assigned to a security
detail and the rest will be for logistical and humanitarian purposes.

US warplanes continue attacks as new Afghan government demands an end to
the bombing

American warplanes on Friday destroyed a compound near the town of
Ghanzi, 50 kilometers south of Kabul, which the Pentagon believes was
used by senior Taliban commanders. The news comes just hours after the
new administration in Afghanistan called for an end to the US air
attacks. Responding to the report, General Richard Myers, chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the US military has not been formally
asked to end its bombing campaign. Meanwhile, the US Army has taken over
the operation of Camp Rhino from the Marines who are shifting their
operations to Tora Bora region. The airport at the facility has been
turned into a makeshift prison, where another 25 Taliban and al-Qaeda
fighters were taken to, on Friday. Officially 62 people are being held.

Israeli troops kill suspected suicide bomber

The Israeli army on Friday shot and killed a suspected Palestinian
suicide bomber in the Gaza Strip. The militant group Islamic Jihad
claimed the dead man as one of its own saying he was killed after
ambushing a group of Israeli soldiers and Jewish settlers at a major
road junction in the Palestinian-ruled area. Meanwhile, the Israeli army
lifted its cordon around Bethlehem but maintained its travel ban on
Palestinian President Yasser Arafat. Palestinian officials have declined
comment on either incident. 

Complete fire ban now in force as more than 100 bushfires threaten more
homes in Australia

A total fire ban, the first to be declared since the devastating fires
of 1994, for all parts of New South Wales, Australia has just come into
force. 7,000 firefighters across the state continue to battle more than
100 bushfires which are still burning out of control. Officials are also
concerned about a blaze on the central coast west of Gosford where a
large fire has broken through containment lines and is threatening homes
near Spencer and Gunderman. Meanwhile, the chief of the newly
established bushfire arson task force says there is little evidence so
far to suggest arson has caused any of the fires. Police on Friday,
arrested three teenagers on suspicion of lighting bushfires, however,
the juenvilles have not been formally charged.

More fighting in Kashmir

More fighting has been reported in Kashmir. The Associated Press
reported a small arms battle along the "Line of Control" had lasted more
than 5 hours. Officials have also ordered thousands of villagers to
leave the border area. Meanwhile, the Group of 8 leading industrial
nations has added its voice to international calls for India and
Pakistan to resume negotiations to avoid a full fledged war between the
two nuclear powers. G8 Foreign Ministers released a statement in Moscow
where they also demanded Pakistan crack down on terrorist groups
operating from within its borders.

EU publishes list of terror organizations

Spain which takes over the rotating European Union presidency on Tuesday
has announced the expansion of the EU's list of terrorist organizations.
The list, names 12 groups and 30 individuals, including Palestinian
militant groups Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad. The list also
includes European based terrorist groups such as the Basque separatist
group ETA, and armed groups in Northern Ireland, such as the Real IRA.
By establishing a common list of terrorist groups, European law
enforcement agencies hope to improve co-ordination in tackling them.

Milosevic's Daughter Goes on Trial for Shooting

The daughter of former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic went on
trial on Friday accused of endangering public safety by firing shots as
her father was taken to prison on April 1. The Beta news agency reported
that Marija Milosevic is alleged to have fired five shots from an
unregistered pistol, at security officiers as her father was being taken
from his villa in Belgrade after a 36-hour standoff. Beta said the
bullets hit the car of a government negotiator who had persuaded
Milosevic to surrender on charges of corruption and abuse of office. No
one was hurt in the incident.

Price of oil jumps as OPEC announces production cut

The price of oil surged on Friday after OPEC announced it will cut oil
production by 1.5 million barrels a day for six months. The cartel's 10
member states in an unprecedented alliance with non-OPEC countries is
seeking to shore up crude oil prices. Prices hit a high of almost $30
(USD) after the September terrorist attacks but had slumped to less than
$18 (USD) by mid November. Early trading in New York saw the price of
oil jump to over $21 per barrel.

German economy remains sluggish

Official statistics released by the German government on Friday,
indicate Europe's largest economy is showing no signs of emerging from
its slump. German wholesale sales figures fell by 10.7% on the year in
November confirming what many had already suspected that consumer demand
remains weak. On Thursday, the Cologne-based economic forecasters, IW,
predicted a sharp jump in unemployment for 2002. It's survey showed that
31 of 44 German industrial associations expect a decline in sales next
year which in turn will force industry to cut costs through staff

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