Friday, December 28, 2001 (SF Chronicle)
COMMUNITY/Lake Merritt peace protesters put their beliefs in
motion/Regular vigils help tighten group
Rona Marech, Chronicle Staff Writer

  Peaceniks, socialists, progressives, anti-imperialists,
anti-racists and anti-Bushniks, war veterans and retirees, teachers and
trainers, students and federal employees -- it's a motley collection
that gathered at the eastern edge of Lake Merritt a couple of Sundays

  They came in puffy jackets and in Birkenstock sandals with a range
of issues and flyers: saving Social Security, promoting Palestinian
rights and -- in the case of one earnest couple -- spreading the word
that the human race was created by aliens.

  But this hard-to-define assembly is united by a common goal --
world peace. So, as they've done every Sunday since the end of
September, they brought their candles, arm bands, pins and signs that
read "Honor our dead with peace not bombs" or "No military tribunals!"
or "No war, no racism."

  And a little after 3 p.m., under a menacing sky, the 35-strong group
began its peace walk around the lake.

  "Being together and being different is really how peace is going
to work," said Jane Esposito, whose pacifist dogs, Wrex and Chaos,
brandished bandanna-signs declaring "Make love not war" and "No more

  "I just feel morally compelled to to do this. It's no more
complicated than that," said Mark Boynton, 72, a self-described
leftover from the Vietnam War and die-hard progressive. "You just do
what you can. This is what I can do."

  Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace has had these weekly
vigils on and off over the past decade, said organizing couple Beth and
Steve Wagner. During the Gulf War, as many as 300 anti-war protesters
came out weekly; a smaller group materialized during the Balkans War.

  The Wagners were intimidated to march in the immediate aftermath
of Sept. 11, but a few weeks later, they announced that the Lake
Merritt peace walks would resume. Eighty people came the first week,
and 200 showed up when the bombing in Afghanistan began. Since then,
the weekly turnout has leveled off at 35 or 40.

  "It just seems like a good way to have a place for people to go to
meet like-minded thinkers, to register their dissatisfaction with
going on and as an educational thing for people going by," Steve Wagner

  The Lake Merritt crew is part of a small society of locals who
have decided that the gentle, reflective act of walking is an
appropriate way to promote peace. A group, started by a Lake Merritt
regular Don Najita, meets at 7:30 p. m. on Wednesdays at the North
Berkeley BART station for a similarly spirited trek through town.
Berkeley twins Angela and Lisa Porter are in the midst of organizing a
cross-country peace walk.

  They plan to leave Berkeley with a group of six women on Jan. 21 and
arrive in Washington, D.C., in December 2002.

  "If I say that peace is the answer, then I guess I have to be
willing to live that," said Angela Porter, 37. "One of the things I can
do is offer my walking as a prayer. . . . Maybe it will inspire

  Pacifists around the country -- from Arizona to Tennessee -- have
offered to host the walkers and plan events for them. "The news keeps
telling me how people feel about what's going on," Porter said. "I
don't think it's representing the views of people who live in the

  The Lake Merritt perambulators heartily agree: Peace activism is
alive around the country and world, but people don't realize it because
of skewed media coverage.

  "This is what you would call countermedia," Najita said. "We're
reminding people that this point of view exists and is still thriving.
. . . It seemed like the most public and significant way to say, 'This
is what I stand for. What do you stand for?' "

  Apparently, many of those driving around Lake Merritt also stand
for peace. Several marchers carried "Honk for peace" signs and indeed,
the group was trailed by a steady stream of piercing honks and almost
detectable negative responses. Passers-by waved. They stuck up their
thumbs. They shouted encouragement. A group on the Scottish Rite
Temple steps cheered.

  "It's amazing how much support we have," said Ken Meyercord, 57,
of Pleasant Hill. "If 10 percent were to get out of their cars and
we'd have quite a crowd."

  Of course, this is Oakland -- Barbara Lee land -- several said.

  Who knows what kind of reception they'd meet with in a different part
of the Bay Area or nation. But still, it's uplifting, they said.

  "And even if it were true -- that we're isolated," Steve Wagner
said, "we have a legitimate point of view, and we have the right to
express it."

  Beth Wagner likes to point out that though the weather has been
terribly wet, the walkers have been rained on only once. "I don't
believe in metaphysical stuff but. . ."

  As usual, on the recent walk, the sky remained gray and dour, but
the weather held. Then about an hour later, once the orange lights
around the lake had flickered on, and the sun was all but gone, the
rain began.
On the beaten path:  Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace meets 3
p.m. Sundays at the columns on the east end of Lake Merritt between
Grand Avenue and Lakeshore avenues. Boulevard. For information, e-mail
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or call (510) 763-8712.
E-mail Rona Marech at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Copyright 2001 SF Chronicle

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