
Pravda. 28 December 2001. Del Ponte declares Milosevic 'guilty!' --
before trial begins.

Carla del Ponte, the Swiss lawyer acting as the chief prosecutor of the
Hague tribunal, which is not recognised by the United States of America,
has been hounding Yugoslav ex-President Slobodan Milosevic and the
members of his regime implacably, showing a degree of venom mixed with
personal spite, which raises suspicions as to whether there is more to
this vendetta than meets the eye.

Carla del Ponte was behind the illegal kidnapping of Slobodan Milosevic
after a hurried meeting of part of the Yugoslav cabinet decided to
spirit the ex-President out of the country during the night, so as to be
eligible for the international aid package, conditional on Milosevic's

It was thus that Slobodan Milosevic arrived at the International penal
Court at The Hague, whose juridical status is not recognised by many
countries, among them the USA. Accused or war crimes, genocide and
crimes against humanity, Slobodan Milosevic is, under international law,
innocent until he is proven guilty.

However, Carla del Ponte declared in an interview with the BBC Today
programme on Thursday that "Milosevic is guilty -- he is responsible for
all these horrible crimes that were committed."

Such a declaration, in public, from someone who is supposed to be a
lawyer, is a personal disgrace and an insult to the profession.

Furthermore, Carla del Ponte made political statements, calling Yugoslav
president Vojislav Kostunica "a big obstacle" to the arrest of General
Ratko Mladic, Chief of Staff of the Republika Srpska forces in Bosnia.

The fact is that while Kostunica is acting within the letter of the law,
Carla del Ponte is not.

President Kostunica declares that co-operation with The Hague will be
forthcoming, but naturally within the framework of existing legislation.
Where such legislation does not exist, new laws must be made, under the
norms stipulated in the Constitution. For this reason, he terms
Milosevic's extradition to the Netherlands "unconstitutional," given
that the ex-President was kidnapped against the ruling of the Supreme
Court of Serbia.

Carla del Ponte, frustrated that she did not manage to convince the
presiding judge to join the cases against Milosevic together in one, now
vents her rage that the political and military leaders of the Bosnian
Serbs, Radovan Karadzic and General Ratko Mladic, are still at large.

She insinuated that the Yugoslav authorities are protecting the latter.
"It is scandalous that Mladic can move freely in Belgrade," claiming
that he had been seen days previously in a restaurant, with a military
escort, and derided the NATO peace-keeping forces in Bosnia for not
catching the former, saying she "cannot accept" that it is beyond their
abilities to fin and arrest Karadzic.

Next time Carla del Ponte visits Belgrade, where she must be as welcome
as a drunken intruder at a funeral, she would do well to take some
lessons in international law from President Kostunica.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller

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