
For plenty of workers 2002 will be a horrible year. 

Many will have jobs they hate, but are desperate not to lose. Others
will have no job and will face another year of the hassle and hardship
that entails. Some will have no homes. Thousands will be living in cold
and damp conditions. Those with mortgages may feel like serfs who keep
a portion of what they earn and give the rest to the Bank or Building
Society. There will be plenty of evictions through failure to be able
to pay the rent or keep up mortgage payments. Personal debt will
continue to rise. 

Workers will join the army, not because they want to kill, but because
if you are young and unemployed, there is the promise of a wage and
training. The same deprivation will drive others into career crime or
prostitution. Workers will continue to be killed and injured on the job
because of cost cutting in the pursuit of profit. 

And, of course, people all over the world will continue to suffer and
die in warfare, as the battle of each capitalist state against all the
others in the fight for raw materials, strategic territory, markets and
trade routes causes ever more conflict and barbarism. 
Millions will starve to death while governments pay farmers not to grow
food as there is no profit in it. 

Looking forward to a capitalist future is a bleak business then.
Unless, of course, you are a capitalist. In which case you just keep on
exploiting, taking more and giving less and praying to whatever god
you've dreamt up that the workers will not rock the boat.

In 2002 workers should rock the boat. We should not have waited so long
to do it, but now is far better than never. Rocking the boat does not
mean kicking out one government just to put another lot in their place.
It does not mean looking for "kinder" forms of capitalism. It does not
mean going to those who monopolise the world and asking for a bit more.

It means taking the lot - deciding we don't want crumbs from the cake,
but the whole bakery! We run the whole show for the capitalists
Either the entire means and instruments for producing wealth become the
common property of all of the world's people, or it's going to be more
of the same this year.

More of the same means capitalism, with all of its hideous problems.
But capitalism's problems do not stay static. They develop rapidly and
quickly get worse. New threats emerge. As war continues to stalk the
earth ever more frighteningly, who's to say what will happen? 

In the face of this the only practical hope for the workers of the
world is to stand up for our class interests and to see that we can
refuse to go along with More Of The Same, and start to take control of
our own lives. More Of The Same, or a new and better world? Barbarism,
or socialism? It's up to us.


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