

                        We will win nuclear war, says India

                The Times, London.

                        INDIA boasted yesterday that it would survive a 
first strike by a
                        Pakistani atomic weapon, but that its neighbour 
would be wiped
                        out in a swift nuclear counter-attack.

                        As troop reinforcements continued to pour into the 
frontier zone,
                        and tens of thousands of people fled border 
villages, the spectre of
                        all-out war between two nuclear powers prompted 
America and
                        Britain to intervene directly.

                        President Bush spoke by telephone to India's Prime 
Minister, Atal
                        Behari Vajpayee, and to President Musharraf of 
Pakistan, urging
                        them to show restraint. He also discussed the 
crisis with Tony
                        Blair. The Prime Minister, who issued his own 
appeal yesterday
                        for both countries to back down, has agreed to launch a
                        diplomatic peace mission when he visits the region 
early in the new

                        A serious intervention from the outside world could 
not come too
                        soon. India is determined to avenge the attack by 
Islamic militants
                        on the Delhi parliament that killed 14 people, 
including five
                        assailants, on December 13. Unless Pakistan arrests 
and hands
                        over those responsible, India seems determined to 
act unilaterally.

                        Pakistan says that it has held at least 50 
militants and frozen assets
                        and last night Hafiz Mohammed Saeed, the head of 
the group
                        blamed for the attack was arrested for "making 
                        speeches to incite people to violate law and 
order". But India says
                        that is not enough and wants the suspects handed over.

                        Both countries insisted that they wanted to avoid 
war. But on the
                        ground they both ordered the biggest military 
build-up for 15 years
                        in what looked like a prelude to the fourth 
Indo-Pakistani war
                        since independence in 1947.

                        Mr Vajpayee won the backing of opposition parties 
yesterday to
                        take whatever action was needed. On the other side 
of the border
                        Adbul Sattar, Pakistan's Foreign Minister, said 
that his anxieties
                        were "mounting, not only by the day but by the hour".

                        Part of Pakistan's concern is the increasingly 
bellicose message
                        from Delhi, whose conventional and nuclear forces 
are roughly
                        double those of Pakistan. In an interview published 
                        George Fernandes, the Indian Defence Minister, said 
that his
                        military, from the top down, was eager to fight and 
that thousands
                        of Indian reinforcements would be in place by the 
middle of this

                        Speaking after a visit to frontline positions in 
Kashmir, he told the
                        Hindustan Times: "Everyone is raring to go. In 
fact, something
                        that actually bothers them is that things might now 
reach a point
                        where one says there is no war."

                        Of greater concern were his remarks about the 
possible use of
                        nuclear weapons. He warned Pakistan not to consider 
the use of a
                        first strike, which he said would be tantamout to 
national suicide.
                        "We could take a strike, survive and then hit 
back," he said.
                        "Pakistan would be finished. I do not really fear 
that the nuclear
                        issue would figure in a conflict."

                        However, military experts point out that in the 
event of a
                        conventional war, Indian forces would heavily 
outnumber the
                        Pakistanis and could score swift victories. In that 
case Pakistan's
                        weapon of last resort would be its atomic bomb.

                        Certainly General Musharraf suggested yesterday, 
after meeting
                        most of the country's political leaders, that he 
would not walk
                        away from a fight with his bigger neighbour.

                        "I stand here addressing the people of India . . . 
that Pakistan
                        stands for peace. Pakistan wants to reduce tensions 
. . . Pakistan
                        wants to de-escalate," he said. "However, Pakistan 
has taken all
                        counter-measures. If any war is thrust on Pakistan, 
                        Armed Forces and the 140 million people of Pakistan 
are fully
                        prepared to face all consequences with all their 

                        The West is caught in the middle. It needs 
Islamabad's help to
                        hunt down Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaeda 
leadership, many
                        of whom may already be hiding in Pakistan. Pulling 
                        troops away from the Afghan border to fight India 
could seriously
                        hamper that effort.

                        At the same time, the West sympathises with India's 
battle against
                        terrorism and militant Islamic groups in Kashmir 
which have in the
                        past kidnapped and killed Western hostages.

                        But above all Washington and London want the 
stand-off resolved

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