
US accused of killing over 100 villagers in air strike

Rory Carroll in Kabul
Tuesday January 1, 2002
The Guardian

Fresh controversy over American bombing flared last night after Afghans 
claimed more than 100 people died in an air strike.
US officials hotly denied that any civilians died during the attack against 
what it said was an al-Qaida compound from which
surface-to-air missiles had been fired.

Reports from the village of Qalaye Niazi, in Paktia province, which borders 
Pakistan, yesterday said human remains were
scattered among craters. Two days earlier, the Afghan defence minister - a 
leading Northern Alliance commander who
wants minimal foreign military involvement in the country - called for an 
end to the air strikes.

The question of ongoing bombing by American forces pursuing clusters of 
al-Qaida and Taliban fighters who have eluded
them, is one of many issues confronting the man named yesterday as 
Washington's special envoy to Afghanistan, Zalmay

Mr Khalilzad, the national security council's specialist on south-west 
Asia, the near east and north Africa, is to be
President Bush's representative to the Afghan people "as they seek to 
consolidate a new order [and] reconstruct their
country", the US announcement of the appointment said.

Trying to hold the government together will be a key task, and the US air 
raids are among many issues threatening to split
the interim administration.

Paktia, just south-west of the Tora Bora cave complex, is a focus of 
current bombing because it is a suspected hideout of
any fighters, including Osama bin Laden, who may have escaped last month's 
US pounding.

A Qalaye Niazi villager, Janat Gul, told Reuters he was the sole person 
from his 24-member family to survive Sunday's
pre-dawn attack by helicopters and jets. "There are no al-Qaida or Taliban 
people here," he insisted. Haji Saifullah, head of
the tribal council, invited US forces to inspect the village, claiming 107 
civilians died, including women and children.

An ammunition store destroyed in the bombing had been seized from Taliban 
fighters who retreated from the area nearly six
weeks ago, said Mr Saifullah.

The US central command at Tampa, Florida, dismissed the reports, saying the 
attack was early on Saturday, not Sunday,
and that two B-1B bombers and a B-52 - not helicopters - hit a known 
terrorist target.

"You don't have a village launching surface-to-air missiles at aircraft. 
You have a known al Qaida-Taliban leadership
compound," said a spokesman.

The strikes set off secondary explosions consistent with stockpiled arms 
and ammunition but caused no civilian casualties,
he said.

Mr Saifullah accused rival ethnic groups of passing "wrong information" to 
the US in a successful attempt to provoke an

Several four-wheel-drive vehicles with US and Northern Alliance soldiers 
were spotted yesterday at the Tira Pass heading in
the direction of the village. The Pakistani-based Afghan Islamic Press news 
agency said at least 92 died in the attack.

Qalaye Niazi is two miles north of the city of Gardez, capital of Paktia. 
US planes have made several raids in the area in
the past fortnight based on intelligence that Taliban and al-Qaida remnants 
are hiding in the mountains.

Two of the earlier raids on eastern Afghanistan were reported to have 
killed more than 100 people. There are no independent
accounts of these incidents, but many Afghans are convined that the dead 
were civilian victims of intelligence blunders.

While the interim government's defence minister, General Mohammed Fahim, 
wants the bombing to stop, the foreign
minister, Abdullah Abdullah, has said that Bin Laden could still be in 
Afghanistan and the air campaign could continue "for
as long as it takes to finish the terrorists".

The prime minister, Hamid Karzai, owes his position at the head of a 
stitched-together government of rival factions largely
to US sponsorship and is not eager to alienate the backer on which he will 
almost surely continue to rely.

On his inauguration day, December 22, the US bombed what it said was a 
convoy of enemy fighters, but people from the
area later said the group consisted of tribal elders on their way to Kabul 
for the ceremony.

Survivors claimed a rival group had falsely identified them as terrorists - 
the same claim as in Qalaye Niazi.

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