
China fully behind Pakistan in
"potentially volatile situation"

  Pakistan said that China stood 100 percent behind Islamabad as it
faced a "potentially volatile situation" with India.

  Chinese Prime Minister Zhu Rongji met with Pakistani President Pervez
Musharraf for three hours Thursday in Beijing and assured him of
China's "principled and everlasting support" for Islamabad, said a
Pakistani official statement.

  "China considers Pakistan its very reliable and close friend and will
always stand by Pakistan," said the statement, released after Musharraf
arrived Friday in Nepal for a South Asian summit also attended by
Indian Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee.

  It said Zhu "expressed his apprehension at the potentially volatile
situation that has arisen due to the assembling of Indian forces close
to the Pakistani border" and "appreciated the restraint exercised by

  Pakistani spokesman Rashid Qureshi later said that "China stood by
Pakistan and still stands by Pakistan. It will support Pakistan in all

  The statement added Zhu "complimented President Musharraf for his
diplomatic vision, leadership and quality of statemanship that he has
demonstrated in the handling of the current crisis" and "in a gesture
of extreme warmth embraced Musharraf" as he left Beijing.

  The Pakistani leader held a day of talks in Beijing before heading to
Kathmandu, after India barred Pakistani airplanes from its airspace.

  Poor weather conditions in China delayed Musharraf by several hours
Friday, which meant that the summit of the South Asian Association for
Regional Cooperation (SAARC) was postponed for a day until Saturday.

  Musharraf's delay also prompted the cancellation of a Saturday
retreat near Mount Everest that would have been the most likely venue
for a meeting between Vajpayee and Musharraf away from the media.

  Vajpayee has publicly ruled out a two-way summit with Musharraf in
Kathmandu, insisting that Pakistan must first crack down harder on
Islamic militant groups which India blames for a December 13 attack on
the parliament in New Delhi.

  The two countries have since been building up forces along their
common border and exchanging fire in the hotly disputed Himalayan
region of Kashmir.

  China is Pakistan's key ally and Musharraf has visited Beijing twice
in as many months.
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