
At 6:24 PM -0500 1/4/02, Miroslav Antic wrote:


>  Greece has
>waged a campaign in the international media against the use of the same
>name as its northern province by any foreign power.

That's true! Many Europeans were also quick to lecture Greece over 
its reaction which has been restrained since the creation of this new 
"Macedonia" from Tito. I wonder what would have happened if Scopje 
had chosen to call itself not Macedonia but as Normandie or Westfalen 
or Flanders or Apoulia, or Glouchester or New Jersey or Anatolia. If 
using the name of a Greek province is fine with all the foreign 
powers why not to give it  the name of a non Greek province just for 
the hell of it?

>Suspicious that the new republic would impose territorial claims over
>Greek Macedonia, Athens refused to recognise it and imposed an economic

Suspicious? One must be a lame duck to such reporting. The 
territorial claims it is not new, came out several times and the last 
one was during WWII where Bulgaria and its sponsored "Macedonians" 
occupied Greek territory as Axis allies. And by watching around all 
the propaganda spread around by the so called "Macedonians" or 
descendants of Alexander the Great as they present themselves who has 
doubts about their agenda? And "Macedonians" are not alone into this 
game but have been also joined by Albanians into this came.

I still remember a paid "Macedonian" ad that appeared in "Le Monde" 
paper some 10 years ago claiming that "the only thing Greeks have 
common with ancient Greeks is just the name of the country they live 
in", not less.  What I have never understood so far is how can one be 
descendent of a deceased person at a place he came as immigrant 1000 
years later than the person in question and how can the script of 
historical Macedonians be the same with that of Greeks as ruins can 
attest and not Slav, cause Slavs had their own script devised in 11th 
century by two Byzantine monks emissaries from Thessaloniki Cyrilos 
(thus Cyrrilic) and Methodios.

>After seven years of UN-sponsored talks, the International
>Crisis Group has come up with a solution. Macedonia shall use the name
>"Republika Makedonija (Ma-ke-DO-niya)" and this will be used by all
>countries, except Greece, which can use a different name.

Which suggests rather the idea that Greece had to accept what others 
had decided for her.

>In return, the Republika Makedonija would respect and honour the legacy
>of Greek culture within its borders.

By watching the Yugoslavian, the Kosovo reality, and the Albanians 
this might be a hint for possible future evolutions;-)

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