
At 10:22 PM +0900 1/5/02, G.R. wrote:
>My Rejected Column
>  by Jack Rain
>Two days after the Attack on America, I wrote a column stating my 
>suspicions that Israel might be behind the attack.  I knew my column 
>was a hot potato and really didn't expect it to be picked up by the 
>websites I submitted it to (I sent it to Strike The Root and 
>  As expected, both Rob and Lew rejected the 
>column, but at least I was on record with them personally.  I didn't 
>send it to any anti-Jewish sites, which I am sure would have jumped 
>at the theorizing in the column.
>I didn't send it to those sites because I wasn't coming from an 
>anti-Israeli or anti-Jewish perspective.  If I had sent it to one of 
>those sites, it could very easily have been dismissed as an 
>anti-Semitic rant.  I have no such axe to grind.  I was simply 
>writing a column on a gut feel from my personal experiences on how 
>the world sometimes works.
>Since I wrote the column, my belief that Israeli operatives may have 
>played a role in the attack is even stronger.  It has since come out 
>that Secretary of State Colin Powell was to have given a speech 
>calling for a Palestinian state.  The attack preempted the speech, 
>which benefited Israel.
>Fox News and Justin Raimondo are both now implying, if not 
>completely stating, that Israel had to at least have known about the 
>attacks in advance.  I continue to contend that it MAY have played 
>some role.
>My original article is below; read it carefully.  Unlike George 
>Bush, I did not immediately accuse Israel the way Bush immediately 
>accused bin Laden.  I merely said that Israel was on my suspect list 
>based on the question, "Who benefits?"  With the new information 
>that the attack stopped a speech by Colin Powell calling for a 
>Palestinian state, the benefit of the attack for Israel now seems 
>greater than when I first wrote my column.
>The Fox News reporting on suspicious activity by some Israelis now 
>lends some facts to my speculative thinking.
>Misdirection is a hallmark of secret operatives, and I believe it 
>may have been used in the Attack on America.  Indeed, we know for a 
>fact that some of the terrorist hijackers who died in the suicide 
>attacks used misdirection even at the operational level when they 
>strapped weightlifting belts around their waists and told the 
>passengers they had bombs and were going to hijack the plane.  This 
>misdirection was designed to keep the passengers controlled and 
>stopped them from understanding the true purpose of the mission. 
>(It was only a hijacking, not a suicide mission.)
>Israeli operatives may or may not have been behind the Attack on 
>America, but I think Israel has clearly benefited.  They can, for 
>example, become much more aggressive "terrorist" fighters.  The 
>federal government has now frozen Hamas' money here in the United 
>States, and Colin Powell delayed his speech calling for a 
>Palestinian state.  Israel may have simply been a bystander aware of 
>the coming attack, and if so, my original column helps explain why 
>Israeli would have been a silent observer.  But I think if you 
>believe that they could have been a silent observer, you also have 
>to put them on the suspect list.  This doesn't mean that they 
>absolutely positively did it but, but simply that they cannot be 
>eliminated as suspects.  The developments since I wrote my original 
>column on September 13 only harden my convictions that Israel must 
>remain on the suspect list as perhaps having some role, bin Laden's 
>confession notwithstanding.
>Bin Laden may have had some role in the attack, but the most recent 
>videotapes leaves me even less convinced of this possibility.  In my 
>view, on the tapes bin Laden comes off as a lying braggart in front 
>of a potential money source ("Yeah I did it.  Boy, more donations 
>for my next evil scheme would be great right now.  Praise Allah.") 
>Real investigators know you always keep some information about a 
>crime secret to test the credibility of those confessing.  In the 
>videotape, bin Laden doesn't say anything about the attack that 
>couldn't have been gleaned from news reports.  He did not talk like 
>a man who was rationally analyzing the attack.  "Yeah, we hit three 
>of four targets.  By the way, that plane that crashed in 
>Pennsylvania was headed for XYZ.  We will get XYZ next time." It was 
>100% chest pumping which provided zero new facts that weren't 
>already in the public venue.
>Here is my original rejected column.  I believe it is time for a 
>full OPEN and thorough investigation of the attack conducted by 
>Congress to see who was truly behind the evil attack.  No secret "We 
>have information we are going to share with Tony Blair" stuff, a 
>real thorough open inquiry.  Who knew what when?  Who did what when? 
>This was an attack on America.  A full inquiry should be conducted 
>before the American people as to who was truly responsible.
>My Number One Suspect
>September 13, 2001
>While Tom Brokaw, Dan Rather, Peter Jennings and most of the rest of 
>the American media has placed Osama bin Laden at the top of the 
>suspect list for the attack on the World Trade Center towers and the 
>Pentagon, my personal suspect list is a little different.
>My list is different because when I ask the key question "Who 
>benefits from the attack?", bin Laden's name just does not jump out 
>at me.  Yes, in a way, if bin Laden did pull this off, he has a new 
>recruiting slogan for future Muslim terrorists that would be 
>something along the lines of the U.S. Army's "Be all that you can 
>be" slogan.  You know, something like, "Be all that you can be, join 
>the terrorists, fight Satan America and die for Allah."  But he is 
>going to take big time heat for this attack, whether he conducted it 
>or not.  Face it, the U.S., if it goes after this guy, will get him. 
>And bin Laden would have known this before such an attack.  So would 
>he want to create such heat for himself?  Maybe.  Maybe he wants to 
>die a martyr like those who crashed the planes.  But leaders in 
>general do not seem to be the martyr type.  It's okay for their 
>followers to commit suicide, but generally, leaders like to be 
>around to direct the next suicide mission.
>Maybe he thinks he is invincible and that the United States won't be 
>able to get him.  But if this is so, and he did it, why isn't he 
>taking responsibility for the attack?
>No, there are other suspects.  And that is why I am not jumping on 
>the bin Laden as Number One suspect bandwagon.
>My prime suspect arises from thinking again about that all important 
>question, "Who benefits?"
>The biggest reaction to this attack is a new round of aggressive 
>talk from President Bush, Congress and European leaders that 
>terrorism must be stopped.  "This is now war," Bush tells us.  So a 
>prime suspect would then have to be anyone who wants a stepped up 
>fight against terrorism. Well lo and behold, there is such a group. 
>The state of Israel has been doing some heavy "terrorism fighting" 
>of late.  They have been taking out a bunch of Palestinian leaders, 
>excuse me, Palestinian terrorists.
>Their attacks on targeted Palestinians have been so aggressive of 
>late that even the casual news observer has become aware of them. 
>In fact, the Bush administration labeled some recent Israeli attack 
>as "excessive."  Boy, it's too bad the Bush administration didn't 
>know then what it knows now about Middle East terrorists.  They 
>didn't realize it was war back then, I guess.  But the Bush 
>administration attitude has certainly been changed by this attack in 
>America.  Lucky for Israel, I guess.
>Or was this whole thing an operation of Mossad, Israel's equivalent 
>of the CIA?  The Mossad is known for aggressive, manipulative 
>operations. Anyone in the intelligence world would agree that they 
>certainly would have the ability to pull this off.  They are masters 
>of misdirection, and I think a lot of misdirection has been going on 
>of late.
>Consider: This whole well-organized operation went on for months, if 
>not years, without any clues that the American intelligence 
>community could detect.  In other words, it was a very 
>sophisticated, well thought-out attack, with smart people behind it. 
>Then suddenly after the attack, there are clues all over the place. 
>Huh?  The attackers used credit cards to purchase some of their 
>tickets that now link them to some of their operatives on the 
>ground.  They left an Arabic flight manual in some luggage that 
>missed a connection.  Why would someone knowing he was going to 
>crash a plane check a bag that contained a flight manual that then 
>misses its connection (lucky for the FBI)?  This is a great clue 
>that points at Arabs, but it doesn't make any sense.
>The FBI is now on the chase of clues everywhere.  A sophisticated, 
>well organized attack now seems to have been run by a bunch of 
>village idiots that got caught.  Hmm.  Luckily, in the World Trade 
>Center bombing a few years ago, the FBI was able to quickly find the 
>metal vehicle identification number from the van that carried the 
>bomb into the World Trade Center, and the idiot then went to get his 
>refund on the truck.  Luckily, this time the idiots are leaving 
>clues all over the place.
>Yeah, the actual operatives who carry out these missions are 
>generally idiots.  They are not savvy about the world around them. 
>They are run by "controls" who are very savvy.  The controls know 
>how to pull these things off in utmost secrecy.  And they know how 
>to get their operatives out without detection--if they want.  If the 
>operatives are leaving sloppy after-the-fact clues all over the 
>place, it is because the controls want those clues around.  If they 
>want those clue to point to Arab terrorists, they will.  It is my 
>opinion that Mossad is the only group capable and the only group 
>having the incentive to pull this off.
>Yes, the actual attackers were Arab but they worked out of a "cell." 
>These idiots could have been told they worked for bin Laden.  I 
>doubt most of them ever met bin Laden.  It could have been a cell 
>run, in fact, by anyone.  My bet is that it was run by the Mossad. 
>It is the theory that best fits the facts and is the only theory 
>that explains the total sophistication and secrecy of this operation 
>with clues now bursting out all over the place.
>December 28, 2001
>Jack Rain [send him e-mail] is a traveler and observer of world events.
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