When you lie down with wake up with fleas.

U.S. Suspends Funding to Iraqi Opposition Group

By ROBIN WRIGHT , Times Staff Writer

WASHINGTON -- Despite the growing drumbeat to expand the
war on terrorism to Iraq, U.S. officials this week suspended key
funding to the leading Iraqi group opposing President Saddam
Hussein because it has failed to account for tens of millions of
dollars in U.S. aid.

The Iraqi National Congress, based in London, was formally
notified Thursday that a new audit of the group had revealed
serious "financial management and internal control
weaknesses" in its handling of the U.S. funds, according to
the State Department.

Concerns about the Iraqi National Congress' use of U.S. aid
underscore the difficulty the Bush administration faces as it
debates what to do about Hussein's regime. Washington
remains committed to ousting the Iraqi president, but
problems with the Iraqi group have slowed and complicated
the effort.

Besides questions about the use of aid managed by the State
Department, the INC has also failed to use most of the $97
million allocated to it by Congress under the 1998 Iraqi Liberation
Act in a dispute over tactics, U.S. officials say. The organization
has refused since September, for example, to send members for
training at the Pentagon, a cornerstone of the program. So far, the
organization has used less than $5 million of the fund, the officials

The conflicts over money reflect a fundamental split between the
United States and the opposition group in its effort to change the
regime in Baghdad.

The Iraqi National Congress, led by Ahmad Chalabi, is pushing
hard for the United States to foot the bill for operations inside Iraq.
The United States instead believes the organization first must build
a viable operation and attract a wider following both inside Iraq and
in the region. So far, U.S. officials say, the group has failed to make
significant progress on these fronts.

"They want us to support programs that take them into Iraq, and we
don't want to do that yet," an administration official said. "The United
States is not ready to take that step because of the consequences."

U.S. officials are concerned, for example, about what might
even with a food aid program operated by the group inside Iraq. The
danger, the officials say, is not only that Iraq might arrest INC
operatives and put them on trial but that the group might use the
program to provoke an Iraqi response-- perhaps force U.S. military

"We need a group like the INC was supposed to be-- an umbrella
for the opposition with resources that people can turn to and use,"
the administration official said. "We would like to see their (media)
operating out in the region building their case. We would like them
to take advantage of a lot of training that's available. But they're not
doing it. They're intent only on going back inside Iraq."

The organization has not made serious headway in ousting
Hussein since its leadership was forced to flee in 1996, when
the CIA-backed operation in northern Iraq collapsed because
of fighting among its factions and pressure
from Iraqi troops.

Critics of the opposition group within the administration express
admiration for Chalabi's commitment to overthrowing Hussein.
But they are concerned about his domination of the group-- to
the exclusion of the six other members of the INC board, as well
as its broader membership.
Such differences over strategies led to an open split between
the United States and the organization in September, when
the previous State Department grant of $25 million expired.

When the group submitted a request for a new set of programs
costing $25 million, it asked that $17 million of it be used on
operations inside Iraq. The Bush administration rebuffed that
request and approved only $8 million in new grant money.

The INC said it wanted all or nothing, according to U.S.

To show ongoing interest, the U.S. still provided $800,000
a month to the Iraqi group-- until a recent report by the U.S.
inspector general's office instructed the State Department to
"withhold or at least restrict future funding to the INC" until
 the group implements improved accounting methods.

Based on the new audit, the State Department cut funds for the
INC's Office of Mobilization and Coordination, which was set up
to support people in training at  the Pentagon, U.S. officials said.
But after the September split on funding, the INC hasn't sent any
new trainees.

"We repeatedly asked the INC to send names and the
Pentagon has left vacanciesin its program, but without
trainees we can't continue to fund the office set up to
support them," said a source familiar with the issue.

The State Department also cut funds for the INC's
Information Collection program, which is largely a
news organization. Questions have been raised
about the program's high costs, especially since
the audit found no time cards for employees or
receipts for expenditures, among other things,
U.S. officials say.

There are also growing questions about the use of U.S. funds
by the INC's Liberty TV, which broadcasts a 45-minute program
into Iraq.

In one incident that raised concerns, a Liberty TV executive
claimed that he had a paid guard posted in front of a coffee
and tea room because he was convinced someone was
trying to poison them, according to U.S. officials.

The INC always accuses the State Department of withholding
funds because it doesn't support the INC cause," said Henri
Barkey, a former State Department policy planning staffer
now at Lehigh University. "But unfortunately, it was actually
the INC that came up short every time in terms of providing
accurate accounting and proper documentation and not living
up to deadlines."

Washington has paid for an accountant, lawyer and grant
writer to help straighten out the INC financial problems.
But deepening frustration with the group's shortcoming in
handling U.S. funds finally led to the decision this week
to withhold funding for many of the INC programs.

U.S. officials say there have been some improvements in
the group's operation.INC officials liked to fly first class on
overseas trips, preferably on British Airways. Under U.S.
law, however, aid grantees must fly on American carriers,
in coach seats. The INC has begun to comply with these
kinds of basic rules, sources said.

U.S. officials say they are committed to restoring the full
$25 million grant from the State Department if the INC will
improve its management.This month, it will still receive
$500,000 from the State Department.
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