Rights Court Refuses Yugo Complaint
.c The Associated Press
BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) - The European Court of Human Rights on Wednesday refused to accept a complaint against NATO nations brought by a group of Yugoslavs whose relatives were killed in the 1999 allied bombing of Serbian television.

Judges at the court in Strasbourg, France, unanimously declared the case inadmissible because the action occurred in Yugoslavia and outside its jurisdiction. Yugoslavia is not part of the 43-member Council of Europe.

The complaint was brought by six Yugoslavs. Five of them had family members who were among 16 people killed when NATO planes bombed television headquarters in Belgrade during the Kosovo conflict. The sixth complainant was himself injured in the attack.

In a statement the court said Yugoslavia ``clearly did not fall within this legal space.''

The decision also said the European Convention on Human Rights ``was not designed to be applied throughout the world, even in respect of the conduct of contracting states.''

NATO planes bombed the headquarters of Radio-Television Serbia early on April 23, 1999, one month into NATO's 78-day air campaign against Yugoslavia. The alliance said the TV station became a target by broadcasting propaganda for the regime of then-Yugoslav leader Slobodan Milosevic.

AP-NY-12-19-01 2035EST


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