Serbs outraged by Christmas Eve killing in Kosovo
PRISTINA, Yugoslavia, Jan 6 (Reuters) - A 36-year-old Serb man was blown up on Sunday by a booby-trapped grenade in his shop in eastern Kosovo, the Yugoslav province's United Nations police force said.

Serb leaders expressed outrage at the killing, which took place on Christmas Eve in the calendar of the Orthodox Christian faith to which most Serbs belong.

Police initially believed a hand grenade had been thrown into the store in the town of Kamenica but later discovered evidence that the grenade had been linked to a trip wire.

"The victim entered the shop from the rear door and when he proceeded to the front door to unlock it, he stepped or tripped on the wire and triggered the grenade," U.N. police spokesman Meeraj Singh told Reuters.

Serbs have been the targets of many attacks by members of Kosovo's ethnic Albanian majority since NATO bombing in 1999 ended repressive Serb rule in the province and made the territory an international protectorate.

The Serbian government's Kosovo coordination centre said the victim of Sunday's blast was shop owner Dragoslav Markovic.

It called on the United Nations and NATO peacekeepers to do everything possible to find the perpetrators and to take more measures to ensure freedom of movement for non-Albanians in Kosovo.

"This loathsome terrorist act on Christmas Eve, before the great Christian holiday, once more warns us that after two years, the international community is not managing to find an answer to terrorism," a statement by local Serb politicians said.

13:24 01-06-02

U.N. Police Officer Arrested
.c The Associated Press
PRISTINA, Yugoslavia (AP) - A U.N. police officer has been arrested on suspicion he shot to death an ethnic Albanian woman, U.N. police said Sunday. They refused to discuss what the motive might have been.

Police were called to the officer's apartment in Pec, about 55 miles west of the provincial capital of Pristina, Saturday after people nearby heard shots, police spokesman Derek Chappell said.

Police found a 23-year-old ethnic Albanian woman with serious injuries. The 32-year-old police officer had bullet wounds in his arm and hand. Both were taken to a hospital, where the woman died.

The woman, whose identity was not released, worked as a translator for U.N. police, Chappell said.

Police were still investigating the shooting but believed no others were involved, Chappell said. He refused to comment on a motive or give the officer's identity or nationality.

Kosovo, a Yugoslav province, has been administered by the United Nations since a 78-day air war in June 1999 forced an end to former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic's campaign of repression against the ethnic Albanian majority.

The U.N. police force in Kosovo includes 4,450 international police officers.

AP-NY-01-06-02 1214EST
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