
Blair has more incentive to put a "humanitarian" mask on what he does. He 
comes from a party which was once considered left-wing, though in my view 
the British Labour Party has always supported imperialism (not without some 
hesitation and internal conflict at times). Also he has a role to play as a 
"soft cop" for GWB's "hard cop". But he's still a cop.
Imperialism and capitalism need their sanctimonious creeps as well as their 
"John Wayne" types. There is a good French expression to describe someone 
like Blair. He is a "faux Jesus".

Steve K.

>From: Francisco Javier Bernal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: "Terrorism is terrorism wherever it occurs"....  Really??? 
>Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2002 20:43:25 -0000
>Sorry, I mean GWB not CWB !!!
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: Francisco Javier Bernal
>   To: STOP NATO!
>   Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2002 8:25 PM
>   Subject: "Terrorism is terrorism wherever it occurs".... Really??? 
>         [The only thing I like of CWB is that, at least, he's not so 
>hypocritical as this "human being": We all remember how well did he choose 
>in 1999]
>         Choose politics not terror, Blair tells leaders
>         By Kate Kelland
>         BANGALORE, India (Reuters) - Prime Minister Tony Blair says "only 
>politics, not terror" can solve the tense stand-off between India and 
>Pakistan over the disputed territory of Kashmir.
>         In a speech in India, Blair said Kashmir would be high on the 
>agenda of his talks with leaders of India and Pakistan in the coming days, 
>and he urged them to move toward dialogue.
>         "One thing is clear -- only politics, not terror, can solve issues 
>like this," he said. Blair said the starting point of any dialogue must be 
>"total and absolute rejection" of terrorism.
>         "Terrorism is terrorism wherever it occurs," he said. "The 
>indiscriminate and deliberate murder of civilians to cause chaos and 
>mutilation defiles any political cause."
>         Relations between the two countries have nose-dived since an 
>attack on the Indian parliament on December 13 in which 14 people were 
>killed. New Delhi blames the attack on two Pakistan-based militant groups 
>fighting Indian rule in Kashmir.
>         Since then, India and Pakistan have reinforced their border forces 
>in the biggest such build-up in 15 years.
>         The two countries, which have fought three wars since gaining 
>independence from Britain in 1947, have scaled back diplomatic ties and cut 
>cross-border transport services.
>         Indian Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee and Pakistan President 
>Pervez Musharraf joined other regional leaders on Saturday at a summit of 
>the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) in the 
>Himalayan kingdom of Nepal.
>         The leaders shook hands at the start of the conference, taking 
>place in Kathmandu.
>         Welcoming Blair to his country, Indian minister for information 
>technology and parliamentary affairs Pramod Mahajan, suggested that it was 
>Pakistan, not India, which would benefit from the "calming influence" Blair 
>has said he wants to have on the two nations.
>         "People say that you have come to cool us down," he said. "We have 
>been cool enough for 50 years."
>         Referring to the global coalition against terror that Blair has 
>helped build since the September 11 attacks on the United States, Mahajan 
>said: "There cannot be one set of rules for one and another set of rules 
>for another.
>         And mentioning Maulana Masood Azhar, leader of Pakistani-based 
>Kashmiri militant group Jaish-e-Mohammad which India blames for the attack 
>on its parliament, the minister added: "There cannot be one rule for Mullah 
>Omar (the leader of Afghanistan's fallen Taliban regime), and another for 
>Maulana Azhar."
>         Blair slammed the "appalling" attack on the Indian parliament, 
>saying such acts were the work of "fanatics".
>         "I view an attack on your parliament with every bit as much 
>outrage as I would an attack on the parliament in which I sit," he said.
>         "It was an attack on democracy itself."
>         After visiting Bangalore in southern India, Blair was to head to 
>Hyderabad in central India and then onto New Delhi on Sunday for talks with 
>the Indian Prime Minister before travelling to Pakistan.
>         Blair has warned that tensions between New Delhi and Islamabad 
>could erupt into a wider conflict that would threaten the stability of the 
>whole world.
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