
[Sens. Lieberman and McCain are salivating over the
prospect of reprising their imperial visit to Baghdad,
Bogota and heaven knows where else in the imminent
future. Maybe they should check out Pristina while
they're at it.] 

Nine U.S. Senators Meet With Karzai 
By Karen Sloan
Associated Press Writer
Monday, January 7, 2002; 7:12 PM 
BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan –– A delegation of nine
U.S. senators met Monday night with Afghanistan's new
interim prime minister, vowing to participate in the
country's long-term reconstruction.
The two sides discussed the continued threat posed by
the Taliban and Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida network and
reconstruction of the country's infrastructure, Afghan
Foreign Ministry spokesman Omar Samad said.
After meeting with interim Prime Minister Hamid
Karzai, Sen. Joseph Lieberman, who is leading the
delegation along with Sen. John McCain, promised
continued U.S. involvement in Afghanistan.
"On our part it is very critical that we remain here.
I think we learned at a very high and painful price
the cost of a lack of involvement in Central Asia on
September 11th – and we're not going to let it happen
again," said Lieberman, D-Conn. "We're not going to
repeat the mistake that was made when the Soviets were
pushed out of here and the rest of the world
essentially walked away."
The senators, touring South and Central Asia, arrived
at Bagram Air Base for a stopover visit expected to
last less than three hours. Karzai arrived in a 10-car
convoy with Afghan bodyguards and Defense Minister
Mohammad Qasim Fahim, Foreign Minister Abdullah and
Women's Affairs Minister Sima Samar.
Other topics discussed included law and order
concerns, cooperation among Afghanistan's divisive
factions, education of women, the country's economic
prospects and regional relationships.
The senators left Washington on Thursday for a trip
that included scheduled stops in Afghanistan,
Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Oman, Turkey and
possibly India. They were also expected to visit U.S.
troops in the Persian Gulf.
It is the first delegation of American senators to
visit Afghanistan since U.S. military operations began
in October against the Taliban and Osama bin Laden's
al-Qaida network, which is suspected of orchestrating
the Sept. 11 U.S. terrorist attacks.
Other members of the delegation are Chuck Hagel,
R-Neb., Jack Reed, D-R.I., Susan Collins, R-Maine,
Jean Carnahan, D-Mo., John Edwards, D-N.C. and Bill
Nelson, D-Fla. 

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