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----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 3:10 AM
Subject: Nepal. CPN(M) statement

From: Barry Stoller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: [pttp] CPN(M) statement

Latest Bulletin Of The Communist Party Of Nepal. [Circa 12 December
2001; translaterd and relayed 6 January 2002.]

Long Live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism & Prachanda Path!

[Occasional Information Bulletin of Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)]

On This Bulletin.

World imperialism boasts of the current era as the 'age of information.'
By which it means its enhanced capacity to manufacture disinformation
through it monopoly control over the mass media -- both print &
electronics for its sole goal of profit maximization. As imperialism
means 'war capitalism,' disinformation has been a major weapon of unjust
war waged by imperialism & its lackeys all over the world. The Nepali
reactionary ruling classes are no exception to this.

Disinformation campaign, in the tradition of the notorious Goebbels, has
always been the chosen weapon of the Nepali reactionaries during the
past six years of the People's War(PW). Ever since the declaration of
the state of emergency on November 26 and suspension of all fundamental
& civic rights of people, including the right to information, provided
in their own constitution, disinformation campaign has been the most
important pursuit of the reactionary rulers.

They have not only resorted to white lies on depicting the actual
situation in the battlefield and often made exaggerated claims of their
exploits to conceal their factual defeats, but they have shamelessly
dared to hurl such ridiculous accusations as  the members of the
glorious People's Liberation Army (PLA) having decapitated their fallen
heroes to hide their identity and sought to drive a mischievous wedge
among the top leadership of the Party by fabricating the so-called
'hard-liner' & 'softliner' wings.

As all the news papers with a revolutionary leaning have been shut down,
progressive journalists jailed and independent media barred from
reporting the truth, the gullible public is subjected to daily doses of
sheer lies or half-truths and has no alternate means to verify the

This bulletin, though in a very humble & grossly inadequate manner,
seeks to provide that alternate access to the quest for truth.

We as the genuine revolutionary vanguard of the proletariat have nothing
to hide from the public and the masses. Also it is the sign of a mature
proletarian Party to learn from its won mistakes. We, therefore, vow to
defeat the enemy's disinformation campaign by battering it with truthful
& factual information, which at times may not go in our own favour.

It is expected that all the revolutionary co-fighters and general
votaries of objective truth will make best use of it and try their best
to disseminate it as widely as possible.


A sustained campaign has been launched by the reactionary rulers to
hammer the point that it was we Maoists who have broken the talks and
violated the four month-old truce. And they have fabricated the myth of
a so-called two-line struggle within  the Party to justify their
charge.  But what are the facts?

The first glaring fact is that it was the murderous Gyanendra clique
which was calling the shots all along during the truce to consolidate
its shaky position by mobilising the royal army and was thwarting all
attempts from our side to find a political solution in the form of an
interim government, a new constitution and instutionalisation of the

Deuba was a mere helpless pawn in the hands of Gyanendra & Girija
cliques.  Throughout the three rounds of talks between August 30 and
November 13 that we had with the old regime the Deuba government did not
make a single political proposal to solve the problems of the country,
but stuck to rejecting all the most moderate and practical political
proposals put forward by us. When we offered to go for the election of a
constituent assembly to settle the question of republic in the third &
the last round of talks, they summarily rejected it without, making any
other alternative proposal.  What was the point then in continuing with
the endless rounds of talks with no political solution in sight?

Meanwhile the Gyanendra clique, which effectively controls the
traditional royal army and through which it had staged a royal coup
de'tat last June by wiping out the whole family of king Birendra, was
making massive military preparations throughout the country against the
revolutionary forces.

The Dang barrack and military depot was the centre of military offensive
they were planning against the Revolutionary Base Areas in the Rapti
Zone (i.e. the districts of Rolpa, Rukum, Sallyan, etc.). So it was
obvious that this counter revolutionary move under the cover of 'peace
talks' be effectively preempted.  This was what happened on November 23.

So should there be any doubt who objectively broke the talks?

As clarified by Chairman Prachanda in his interview to The Times of
India (November 2, 2001), our Party is still open to the proposal of
talks if a concrete political solution to the country's problem (i.e.
abolition of the hated monarchy and institutionalisation of the
republic) is offered.

To conceal their embarrassment of a shattering military defeat and the
never-ending power struggle within their own ranks the reactionary
rulers have sought to fabricate a so-called friction between the
political and military leadership of the Party. In this context they
have particularly attempted to float their own 'leaders' heading the
different imaginary departments and tried to create the impression that
a so-called military wing headed by Com. Badal (Ram Bahadur Thapa) was
responsible for pressurising the Party leadership to take the current
course of action.

This is, however, just the figment of imagination of the reactionaries,
if not a deliberate disinformation campaign to confuse the masses.

The actual reality is that our Party has developed a unified and
centralised leadership under the supreme command of Chairman Prachanda
and all the major decisions have been taken unanimously. Of the three
instruments of revolution, viz. The Party, the Army and the United
Front, it is well known that Com. Prachanda is the Chairman of the Party
and the Supreme Commander of the PLA and Com. Baburam Bhattarai is the
Convenor of the recently formed United Revolutionary People's Council

This leaves no scope for any confusion about the leadership hierarchy in
the Party.  The revolution has produced a distinguished galaxy of
leaders including Com. Kiran, Com. Diwakar, Com. Badal and others and
they are fulfilling their responsibilities in their respective fields
with distinction. Certainly Com. Badal is not the 'Military Chief' as is
made out to be in the media and there is no question of him going
against the plans and policies of the party.


The declaration of the state of emergency and deployment of the royal
army since November 26 has met with complete initial failure.According
to the information received from various regional commands, the royal
army caged in the reactionary barracks for ages, has not ventured to
enter into the main Revolutionary Base Areas (RBA) so far and has made
only sporadic aerial attacks from the helicopters in different parts of
the country.

When their initial attempts to enter into the RBA were thwarted by
successful road mines & ambushes in Surkhet and Pyuthan, they have
beaten a hasty retreat and are devising alternate strategies to carry
out their counter revolutionary objectives.

Meanwhile they have taken recourse to massacre of unarmed masses in the
peripheral areas.  On November 27 the royal army massacred 11 poor
peasants of the oppressed Tharu nationality in Dang. The unarmed poor
peasants were harvesting rice in the fields of a landlord when they were
mercilessly gunned down by the royal butchers.  It may be noted that the
All Nepal Peasants' Association (Revolutionary) has given a call for
implementing tri-khandi system (i.e. one-third to the landlord and
two-third to the tenants) and the poor tenants, specially in the
southern plains of Terai, have responded to it overwhelmingly.

On the same day a large gathering of people assembled for a traditional
fair in Sallayan were fired upon by the royal army and 13 persons killed
on the spot.  Similarly there are reports from different districts such
as Gorkha, Rupendehi, Syanja, Kalikot, Makwanpur, Dolakha and others,
where unarmed masses of people have been fired upon and killed by the
royal army.

Unable to locate and take upon the PLA, the reactionary side has
launched a vicious propaganda war, spreading unsubstantiated rumours
through its controlled media.

One such deliberate rumour has been the killing or capture of a number
of important leaders of the Party including Com. Krishna Bahadur Mahara,
the chief negotiator of the Party.  However its has been a complete

No Central or regional level leader of the Party except Com. Rabindra
Shrestha, who was captured on November 25, has been captured by the
enemy, nor anyone killed, so far. Definitely the enemy's principal
strategy has been to capture or liquidate the central leadership of the
Party, which they have not succeeded so far, and the Party is fully
geared to thwart it.

The enemy has taken into custody hundreds of innocent masses and some of
the sympathisers of the Party from different parts of the country.

Also they have forced some members of the local Peoples' Committees to
sign false papers of 'surrender' under the butt of a rifle and sought to
make a mountain out of a mole-hill.

But the actual ground reality is that the total revolutionary rank and
file is in a complete upbeat mood, whereas the reactionary camp,
particularly its royal army is in a crest fallen state. The way they
have been seeking frantic military help, particularly from India,
adequately speaks of this.

The position of the reactionary camp has been all the more weakened with
the increasing opposition to the declaration of the state of emergency
by the various parliamentary parties, including the revisionist left
parties themselves.


Unable to digest their shameful defeat at the hands of the PLA on the
very first encounter on November 23 in Dang, the royal army and their
state patrons have been spreading white lies about the non-happening
subsequent encounters or grossly exaggerating the number of casualties
suffered from our side.

One such gross fabrication has been the much propagated casualties of
200 or so supposedly suffered by our side in Salleri on November 25. To
hide their inability to substantiate such ridiculous claims thy have
invented such atrocious lies as our side having beheaded or mutilated
the fallen comrades to conceal their real identity. No person with an
iota of common sense would believe such perverted accusation. Even then
as this ridiculous claim of the reactionary Defence Ministry, full ten
days after the incident, has been bought by various national and
international news agencies as a 'verification', the truth needs to be

The real truth is this: on that Salleri encounter total casualties on
our side were seventeen, whereas on the side of the enemy it was
thirty-three (including 27 police-men, 4 army men and 2 bureaucrats).
Similarly, on November 23, in Dang three of our PLA comrades were
martyred on the spot and four more succumbed to their injuries later on,
whereas on the enemy side the total casualty was twenty-five (including
14 army men and 11 policemen) and several dozens injured. On the same
day in Syangja, fourteen policemen were killed, whereas there was no
casualty on our side.

Let independent sources verify or contradict these facts. Why should we
tell lies about the number of fallen heroes on our side? Moreover, why
should we commit such heinous crime as to behead or mutilate a fallen
comrade? Everybody knows we revere and honour our fallen heroes and
heroines and not shy away from but take pride in the great process of
revolutionary martyrdom.

Similarly, there should be no difficulty in outrightly rejecting the
unsubstantiated fall claims of the reactionaries as that of their
inflicting heavy casualties on us through helicopter gunships. When
asked by foreign reporters to substantiate their tall claims, the
reactionary, spokesperson is reported to have sought to hide under a
lame excuse of their inability due to poor weather conditions prevailing
in the battle zones.  Everybody knows this is one of the best weather
seasons in the areas where the real battle is taking place. But the
question remains: if the weather did not permit to count the casualties,
how did it permit to fix the target, if at all? What a lame excuse!


At a time when the tottering old regime in Nepal is seeking military and
other help from foreign powers to save its skin, the CPN (Maoist), the
PLA and the URPC have written a joint letter to the international
community, including the UN, India, China, USA and the European Union,
asking them not to interfere in the internal affairs of Nepal and let
the Nepalese People determine their own political future.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller

P.O. Box 66
00841 Helsinki
Phone +358-40-7177941
Fax +358-9-7591081
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