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From: John Clancy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 5:42 AM
Subject: Fidel warns Summit What FTAA Really Means. US takes aim atChavez. Chavez
proposes 'Bolivarian Alternative' to FTAA

subject:Fidel warns Summit What FTAA Really Means. US takes aim at
Chavez. Chavez proposes 'Bolivarian Alternative' to FTAA
From: NY Transfer News <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 06:39:24 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [CubaNews] Fidel Warns the Summit What the FTAA Really Means

Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit
Fidel Tells the Summit What's to Come...

Castro Warns on Americas Trade Plan

(c) The Associated Press

PORLAMAR, Venezuela, Dec 13 (AP) - After signing a summit declaration
that supports a U.S.-sponsored Free Trade Area of the Americas, Cuban
President Fidel Castro warned that the proposed treaty could lead to
U.S. domination of Latin America.

"There is a plot to impose by economic force ... not only an
economic, but a global political order," Castro said after
Wednesday's conclusion of the Association of Caribbean States summit.

"One day, all of our countries - excepting Cuba because (Washington),
luckily, doesn't want it - could be involved in a large deal in which
everyone is compromised" by developed nations' might, Castro said.

Cuba, which has faced four decades of U.S. economic sanctions imposed
because of its communist rule, is excluded from negotiations to
establish the free trade zone from Alaska to Argentina in 2005.

An ACS declaration signed by Castro expresses support for the FTAA -
as long as developed nations' barriers to products such as
agricultural and textile imports from developing nations are
eliminated. That would provide impoverished Latin nations a better
chance to compete.

But Castro later said millions of Latin Americans are heading for "a
destination they know nothing about." Accusing leaders of keeping
details on treaty negotiations secret, he urged the region's
governments to educate their citizens about the deal.

U.S. workers know more about FTAA than their Latin counterparts
because thousands of them lost jobs to cheaper Mexican labor when the
North American Free Trade Agreement was enacted, Castro said.

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez supported Castro's criticism. He
suggested that the region consider an alternative. And he pledged to
put any FTAA to a popular vote in Venezuela.

Another dissenting voice was Guyanese President Bharrat Jagdeo, who
said his government wouldn't sign a deal without "preferential and
distinguishing treatment" for Latin and Caribbean economies.

"If these conditions don't meet with our satisfaction ... we simply
will be ignored," Jagdeo said.

During the two-day summit on Margarita Island, Caribbean leaders
called for FTAA negotiations to end by January 2005 and the free
trade zone be opened by December 2005.

They denounced the U.S. economic sanctions against Cuba, but pledged
their continuing support for the fight against terrorism. They also
vowed to jointly promote Caribbean tourism, a vital industry that has
suffered since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks in the United States.

AP-NY-12-13-01 0620EST

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subject: US takes aim at Venezuelan Leader
>Comment & Analysis / US takes aim at Venezuelan leader /

 US takes aim at Venezuelan leader

>In the Bush administration's "war with no end", Iraq is the country
most named in answer to the question, "Who's next?". But Venezuela is
the primary target by other means (Chavez comes under fire from his
critics, December 6).

  Since his overwhelming election victory in 1998 President Hugo
Chavez's administration has passed two significant sets of laws - one
for 51% public ownership of new oil ventures, and the other for the
turnover of unused oligarchy land to landless peasants. These are
overdue and sensible  policies, but they are anathema to the corrupt
oligarchy and their United States senior partners. Therefore Mr
Chavez's government must be destabilised.

>So watch for the stories of Chavez's "confrontational" and
"dictatorial" style to grow, lawful and needed policies to be
demonised, and the "inevitable military intervention" to be promoted by
local compradores .

> (Dr) John McMurtry
> University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada

>The Guardian Weekly 20-12-2001, page 11

subject: Chavez proposes 'Bolivarian Alternative to FTAA
Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 06:42:33 -0500
Subject:  Chavez Proposes a 'Bolivarian Alternative' to FTAA
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Chavez Proposes a 'Bolivarian Alternative' to FTAA
Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit

source - Granma International Digital - December 12, 2001

Chavez proposes a Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas

IN contraposition to the U.S. annexationist project known as the Free
Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), Venezuelan President Hugo Chvez
has proposed the adoption of a Bolivarian Alternative for the
Americas (ALBA).

On the first day of the 3rd Summit of the Association of Caribbean
States (AEC), Chvez insisted, "those of us from Latin America and
the Caribbean should think of an alternative," because the FTAA -
which he termed a "disintegrating government" - "is not what is going
to unite us."

Cuban President Fidel Castro, speaking at the plenary session
attended by 18 heads of state and government from the Caribbean
Basin, referred to the need to achieve preferential treatment
quickly, to protect the small economies in the region.

He cited the example of the European Union's interregional
development and its projects for balancing the small and large
economies within its membership.

President Castro warned about the dangers of the FTAA, which is now
becoming more concrete and could destroy all of Latin America's
unifying efforts.

The first session of the summit, held in Isla de Margarita,
Venezuela, witnessed a broad debate on economic themes, including the
possibility of creating an oil company of the Americas, reported
Prensa Latina.

Chvez suggested that a gas pipeline be constructed which would
benefit all the AEC member states, noting that several of those
countries have large petroleum deposits.

Another problem examined by the dignitaries was the propagation of
AIDS in the region, which comes in second worldwide, in terms of the
number of cases, surpassed only by sub-Saharan Africa.

Other issues discussed were regional food production and the need to
overcome the shortage of these products among the Caribbean

Copyright (c) 2001 Granma International Digital. All rights reserved.

  NY Transfer News Collective   *   A Service of Blythe Systems
           Since 1985 - Information for the Rest of Us
              339 Lafayette St., New York, NY 10012                  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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