Note that in these reports, neither Reuters, Associated Press, NATO or the U.S government is calling these murders "acts of terrorism"! Hypocrites!!!
----- Original Message -----
From: sparta
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 9:08 PM
Subject: 2 reports of Serbs being murdered celebrating Christmas

Dear Congressman Wolf,
Just like fish in a barrel, Serbs continue to be blown to bits by ethnic Albanians right under the noses of KFOR.   The dream is to have a pure Albanian Kosovo, which they are rapidly achieving, thanks to the silence of the U.S. Congress.  Kind of sounds familiar, doesn't it?  Wasn't it the dream of Hitler to have a pure German state? 
Your constituent,
Stella Jatras,
Sterling, Virginia
------------------------begin forward messages-----------------
Two reports: 
1.  Serb shopkeeper blown up on Christmas Eve
2.  Four killed in Serbian explosion
Report #1: 
PRISTINA, Yugoslavia, Jan. 6 - A 36-year-old Serb man was blown up on
Sunday by a booby-trapped grenade in his shop in eastern Kosovo, the
Yugoslav province's United Nations police force said.
Serb leaders expressed outrage at the killing, which took place on
Christmas Eve in the calendar of the Orthodox Christian faith to which most
Serbs belong.
Police initially believed a hand grenade had been thrown into the store in
the town of Kamenica but later discovered evidence that the grenade had
been linked to a trip wire.
''The victim entered the shop from the rear door and when he proceeded to
the front door to unlock it, he stepped or tripped on the wire and
triggered the grenade,'' U.N. police spokesman Meeraj Singh told Reuters.
Serbs have been the targets of many attacks by members of Kosovo's ethnic
Albanian majority since NATO bombing in 1999 ended repressive Serb rule in
the province and made the territory an international protectorate.
The Serbian government's Kosovo coordination centre said the victim of
Sunday's blast was shop owner Dragoslav Markovic.
It called on the United Nations and NATO peacekeepers to do everything
possible to find the perpetrators and to take more measures to ensure
freedom of movement for non-Albanians in Kosovo.
''This loathsome terrorist act on Christmas Eve, before the great Christian
holiday, once more warns us that after two years, the international
community is not managing to find an answer to terrorism,'' a statement by
local Serb politicians said.
Copyright 2002 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved. Republication or
redistribution of Reuters content is expressly prohibited without the prior
written consent of Reuters.
Report #2

Four Killed in Serbia Explosion
By Associated Press
January 7, 2002, 12:13 PM EST
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia -- A man set off a hand grenade
 in a pub in northern Serbia, killing four people and
 injuring another 20 on Monday, the state-run Tanjug
 news agency reported. 
The report said that an unidentified man set off the
 blast at the Big Rouge pub in Novi Knezevac, a town
 about 80 miles north of the capital Belgrade, near the
 Hungarian border. The man died in the explosion along
 with three other customers. 
The pub was packed with people celebrating Orthodox
 Christmas, Tanjug reported. According to the agency,
 the motive for the blast was not known. Police sealed
 off the premises to investigate. 
Police did not immediately comment on the explosion. 
After four wars in the past decade, much of the
 Balkans is strewn with mines, and large quantities of
 weapons and ammunition remain unaccounted for and in
 private possession. 
Copyright © 2002, The Associated Press 
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