
As I remember, Bush Sr. had oil rights or something like that in Somalia.  I
will research it and see what I can find, but I am sure I read something
back when the US invasion on Somalia took place.

> ---------------------------
> I have a rather unusual place for you to look for more information.  When I
> was working for the World Bank many years ago (just before the Somalia
> 'humanitarian mission' which provided the grist for the movie 'Black Hawk
> Down'), I noticed that the World Bank's magazine had an article about the
> immense new oil finds just off the coast of Somalia.  Based on what was
> exposed in that article, i.e., the large virgin oil fields, America's
> 'humanitarian mission' to Somalia suddenly made 'American sense'.
> Just a few words.  Carry on comrades, the truth will refuse to dwell
> permanently under a bushel basket.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Bill Howard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <Undisclosed-Recipient:>
> Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 21:07
>> ---------------------------
>> [Via Communist Internet...
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>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Dale Pfeiffer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2002 6:18 PM
>> Subject: Re: [mobilize-globally] THE OIL FACTOR IN SOMALIA
>> I thought the following article was interesting because I have never
>> heard
>> of Somalia as an oil producing country. In an effort to confirm it, I did
>> a
>> thorough search of numerous energy-oil sites, including dieoff, hubbert
>> peak,
>> policy pete, alexandre's oil & gas connection, wtrg economics,
>> petroleumworld,
>> and the energy information administration (eia) site.
>> The only thing I have been able to find was on the eia site, in a paper
>> on
>> the international oil outlook. Here is the paragraph mentioning Somalia:
>> North African producers Egypt and Tunisia produce mainly from mature
>> fields and show little promise of adding to their reserve posture. Their
>> production volumes are expected to decline gradually throughout the
>> forecast. Sudan and Equatorial Guinea are expected to produce modest
>> volumes early in this decade. Eritrea, Somalia, and South Africa also
>> have some resource potential, but they are not expected to produce
>> significant amounts until after 2005.
>> There is no other mention of Somalia anywhere. The conclusion I draw
>> is that Somalia has no past history of oil production. Perhaps it does
>> hold some undiscovered off-shore deposits, but I would doubt that
>> they are anything major.
>> What Somalia does have, is the world's richest deposit of uranium.
>> Dale Allen Pfeiffer
>> On Sat, 05 Jan 2002 15:21:05 +0200 secr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> ------ Forwarded Message
>> From: Martin Sall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Date: Sat, 05 Jan 2002 00:04:58 -0500
>> To: (Recipient list suppressed)
>> Subject: [CitizensAgainstBush] THE OIL FACTOR IN SOMALIA
>> They have it, we want it, and we will do anything necessary to have it no
>> matter what the cost.  Another from my friend's archives is worth
>> revisiting considering that Somalia is likely to be back in the news
>> sometime soon.
>> m/
>> January 18, 1993
>> DATELINE: MOGADISHU, Somalia -- Far beneath the surface of the tragic
>> drama
>> of Somalia, four major U.S. oil companies are quietly sitting on a
>> prospective fortune in exclusive concessions to explore and exploit tens
>> of
>> millions of acres of the Somali countryside.
>> That land, in the opinion of geologists and industry sources, could yield
>> significant amounts of oil and natural gas if the U.S.-led military
>> mission
>> can restore peace to the impoverished East African nation.
>> According to documents obtained by The Times, nearly two-thirds of
>> Somalia
>> was allocated to the American oil giants Conoco, Amoco, Chevron and
>> Phillips in the final years before Somalia's pro-U.S. President Mohamed
>> Siad Barre was overthrown and the nation plunged into chaos in January,
>> 1991. Industry sources said the companies holding the rights to the most
>> promising concessions are hoping that the Bush Administration's decision
>> to
>> send U.S. troops to safeguard aid shipments to Somalia will also help
>> protect their multimillion-dollar investments there.
>> Officially, the Administration and the State Department insist that the
>> U.S. military mission in Somalia is strictly humanitarian. Oil industry
>> spokesmen dismissed as "absurd" and "nonsense" allegations by aid
>> experts,
>> veteran East Africa analysts and several prominent Somalis that President
>> Bush, a former Texas oilman, was moved to act in Somalia, at least in
>> part,
>> by the U.S. corporate oil stake.
>> But corporate and scientific documents disclosed that the American
>> companies are well positioned to pursue Somalia's most promising
>> potential
>> oil reserves the moment the nation is pacified. And the State Department
>> and U.S. military officials acknowledge that one of those oil companies
>> has
>> done more than simply sit back and hope for pece.
>> Conoco Inc., the only major multinational corporation to mantain a
>> functioning office in Mogadishu throughout the past two years of
>> nationwide
>> anarchy, has been directly involved in the U.S. government's role in the
>> U.N.-sponsored humanitarian military effort.
>> Conoco, whose tireless exploration efforts in north-central Somalia
>> reportedly had yielded the most encouraging prospects just before Siad
>> Barre's fall, permitted its Mogadishu corporate compound to be
>> transformed
>> into a de facto American embassy a few days before the U.S. Marines
>> landed
>> in the capital, with Bush's special envoy using it as his temporary
>> headquarters. In addition, the president of the company's subsidiary in
>> Somalia won high official praise for serving as the government's
>> volunteer
>> "facilitator" during the months before and during the U.S. intervention.
>> Describing the arrangement as "a business relationship," an official
>> spokesman for the Houston-based parent corporation of Conoco Somalia Ltd.
>> said the U.S. government was paying rental for its use of the compound,
>> and
>> he insisted that Conoco was proud of resident general manager Raymond
>> Marchand's contribution to the U.S.-led humanitarian effort.
>> John Geybauer, spokesman for Conoco Oil in Houston, said the company was
>> acting as "a good corporate citizen and neighbor" in granting the U.S.
>> government's request to be allowed to rent the compound. The U.S. Embassy
>> and most other buildings and residential compounds here in the capital
>> were
>> rendered unusable by vandalism and fierce artillery duels during the clan
>> wars that have consumed Somalia and starved its people.
>> In its in-house magazine last month, Conoco reprinted excerpts from a
>> letter of commendation for Marchand written by U.S. Marine Brig. Gen.
>> Frank
>> Libutti, who has been acting as military aide to U.S. envoy Robert B.
>> Oakley. In the letter, Libutti praised the oil official for his role in
>> the
>> initial operation to land Marines on Mogadishu's beaches in December, and
>> the general concluded, "Without Raymond's courageous contributions and
>> selfless service, the operation would have failed."
>> But the close relationship between Conoco and the U.S. intervention force
>> has left many Somalis and foreign development experts deeply troubled by
>> the blurry line between the U.S. government and the large oil company,
>> leading many to liken the Somalia operation to a miniature version of
>> Operation Desert Storm, the U.S.-led military effort in January, 1991, to
>> drive Iraq from Kuwait and, more broadly, safeguard the world's largest
>> oil
>> reserves.
>> "They sent all the wrong signals when Oakley moved into the Conoco
>> compound," said one expert on Somalia who worked with one of the four
>> major
>> companies as they intensified their exploration efforts in the country in
>> the late 1980s.
>> "It's left everyone thinking the big question here isn't famine relief
>> but
>> oil -- whether the oil concessions granted under Siad Barre will be
>> transferred if and when peace is restored," the expert said. "It's
>> potentially worth billions of dollars, and believe me, that's what the
>> whole game is starting to look like."
>> Although most oil experts outside Somalia laugh at the suggestion that
>> the
>> nation ever could rank among the world's major oil producers -- and most
>> maintain that the international aid mission is intended simply to feed
>> Somalia's starving masses -- no one doubts that there is oil in Somalia.
>> The only question: How much?
>> "It's there. There's no doubt there's oil there," said Thomas E.
>> O'Connor,
>> the principal petroleum engineer for the World Bank, who headed an
>> in-depth, three-year study of oil prospects in the Gulf of Aden off
>> Somalia's northern coast.
>> "You don't know until you study a lot further just how much is there,"
>> O'Connor said. "But it has commercial potential. It's got high potential
>> .
>> . . once the Somalis get their act together."
>> O'Connor, a professional geologist, based his conclusion on the findings
>> of
>> some of the world's top petroleum geologists. In a 1991 World
>> Bank-coordinated study, intended to encourage private investment in the
>> petroleum potential of eight African nations, the geologists put Somalia
>> and Sudan at the top of the list of prospective commercial oil producers.
>> Presenting their results during a three-day conference in London in
>> September, 1991, two of those geologists, an American and an Egyptian,
>> reported that an analysis of nine exploratory wells drilled in Somalia
>> indicated that the region is "situated within the oil window, and thus
>> (is)
>> highly prospective for gas and oil." A report by a third geologist, Z. R.
>> Beydoun, said offshore sites possess "the geological parameters conducive
>> to the generation, expulsion and trapping of significant amounts of oil
>> and
>> gas."
>> Beydoun, who now works for Marathon Oil in London, cautioned in a recent
>> interview that on the basis of his findings alone, "you cannot say there
>> definitely is oil," but he added: "The different ingredients for
>> generation
>> of oil are there. The question is whether the oil generated there has
>> been
>> trapped or whether it dispersed or evaporated."
>> Beginni 1986, Conoco, along with Amoco, Chevron, Phillips and, briefly,
>> Shell all sought and obtained exploration licenses for northern Somalia
>> from Siad Barre's government. Somalia was soon carved up into
>> concessional
>> blocs, with Conoco, Amoco and Chevron winning the right to explore and
>> exploit the most promising ones.
>> The companies' interest in Somalia clearly predated the World Bank study.
>> It was grounded in the findings of another, highly successful exploration
>> effort by the Texas-based Hunt Oil Corp. across the Gulf of Aden in the
>> Arabian Peninsula nation of Yemen, where geologists disclosed in the
>> mid-1980s that the estimated 1 billion barrels of Yemeni oil reserves
>> were
>> part of a great underground rift, or valley, that arced into and across
>> northern Somalia.
>> Hunt's Yemeni operation, which is now yielding nearly 200,000 barrels of
>> oil a day, and its implications for the entire region were not lost on
>> then-Vice President George Bush.
>> In fact, Bush witnessed it firsthand in April, 1986, when he officially
>> dedicated Hunt's new $18-million refinery near the ancient Yemeni town of
>> Marib. In remarks during the event, Bush emphasized the critical value of
>> supporting U.S. corporate efforts to develop and safeguard potential oil
>> reserves in the region.
>> In his speech, Bush stressed "the growing strategic importance to the
>> West
>> of developing crude oil sources in the region away from the Strait of
>> Hormuz," according to a report three weeks later in the authoritative
>> Middle East Economic Survey.
>> Bush's reference was to the geographical choke point that controls access
>> to the Persian Gulf and its vast oil reserves. It came at the end of a
>> 10-day Middle East tour in which the vice president drew fire for
>> appearing
>> to advocate higher oil and gasoline prices.
>> "Throughout the course of his 17,000-mile trip, Bush suggested continued
>> low (oil) prices would jeopardize a domestic oil industry 'vital to the
>> national security interests of the United States,' which was interpreted
>> at
>> home and abroad as a sign the onetime oil driller from Texas was coming
>> to
>> the aid of his former associates," United Press International reported
>> from
>> Washington the day after Bush dedicated Hunt's Yemen refinery.
>> No such criticism accompanied Bush's decision late last year to send more
>> than 20,000 U.S. troops to Somalia, widely applauded as a bold and costly
>> step to save an estimated 2 million Somalis from starvation by opening up
>> relief supply lines and pacifying the famine-struck nation.
>> But since the U.S. intervention began, neither the Bush Administration
>> nor
>> any of the oil companies that had been active in Somalia up until the
>> civil
>> war broke out in early 1991 have commented publicly on Somalia's
>> potential
>> for oil and natural gas production. Even in private, veteran oil company
>> exploration experts played down any possible connection between the
>> Administration's move into Somalia and the corporate concessions at
>> stake.
>> "In the oil world, Somalia is a fringe exploration area," said one Conoco
>> executive who asked not to be named. "They've overexaggerated it," he
>> said
>> of the geologists' optimism about the prospective oil reserves there. And
>> as for Washington's motives in Somalia, he brushed aside criticisms that
>> have been voiced quietly in Mogadishu, saying, "With America, there is a
>> genuine humanitarian streak in us . . . that many other countries and
>> cultures cannot understand."
>> But the same source added that Conoco's decision to maintain its
>> headquarters in the Somali capital even after it pulled out the last of
>> its
>> major equipment in the spring of 1992 was certainly not a humanitarian
>> one.
>> And he confirmed that the company, which has explored Somalia in three
>> major phases beginning in 1952, had achieved "very good oil shows" --
>> industry terminology for an exploration phase that often precedes a major
>> discovery -- just before the war broke out.
>> "We had these very good shows," he said. "We were pleased. That's why
>> Conoco stayed on. . . . The people in Houston are convinced there's oil
>> there."
>> Indeed, the same Conoco World article that praised Conoco's general
>> manager
>> in Somalia for his role in the humanitarian effort quoted Marchand as
>> saying, "We stayed because of Somalia's potential for the company and to
>> protect our assets."
>> Marchand, a French citizen who came to Somalia from Chad after a civil
>> war
>> forced Conoco to suspend operations there, explained the role played by
>> his
>> firm in helping set up the U.S.-led pacification mission in Mogadishu.
>> "When the State Department asked Conoco management for assistance, I was
>> glad to use the company's influence in Somalia for the success of this
>> mission," he said in the magazine article. "I just treated it like a
>> company operation -- like moving a rig. I did it for this operation
>> because
>> the (U.S.) officials weren't familiar with the environment."
>> Marchand and his company were clearly familiar with the anarchy into
>> which
>> Somalia has descended over the past two years -- a nation with no
>> functioning government, no utilities and few roads, a place ruled loosely
>> by regional warlords.
>> Of the four U.S. companies holding the Siad Barre-era oil concessions,
>> Conoco is believed to be the only one that negotiated what spokesman
>> Geybauer called "a standstill agreement" with an interim government set
>> up
>> by one of Mogadishu's two principal warlords, Ali Mahdi Mohamed. Industry
>> sources said the other U.S. companies with contracts in Somalia cited
>> "force majeure" (superior power), a legal term asserting that they were
>> forced by the war to abandon their exploration efforts and would return
>> as
>> soon as peace is restored.
>> "It's going to be very interesting to see whether these agreements are
>> still good," said Mohamed Jirdeh, a prominent Somali businessman in
>> Mogadishu who is familiar with the oil-concession agreements. "Whatever
>> Siad did, all those records and contracts, all disappeared after he fled.
>> .
>> . . And this period has brought with it a deep change of our society.
>> "Our country is now very weak, and, of course, the American oil companies
>> are very strong. This has to be handled very diplomatically, and I think
>> the American government must move out of the oil business, or at least
>> make
>> clear that there is a definite line separating the two, if they want to
>> maintain a long-term relationship here."
>> Fineman, Times bureau chief in Nicosia, Cyprus, was recently in Somalia.
>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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