
Ananova :

Pentagon 'lowers sights on Iraq' as anti-terror target

A leading US official has hinted the Pentagon is moving away from making
Iraq its next target in the war on terrorism.

Instead, the US will concentrate on lawless areas in countries including
Somalia, Yemen, the Philippines and Indonesia hosting al-Qaida and linked

Deputy defence secretary Paul Wolfowitz outlined the future strategy in an
interview with the New York Times but warned the campaign in Afghanistan was
not over.

He described the country as being "at least as treacherous and dangerous now
as it was a month or two ago".

Pentagon planners were engaged in working out what to do next and confirmed
possible terror bases in Yemen and Somalia are coming under scrutiny.

Mr Wolfowitz told the newspaper: "Obviously, Somalia comes up as a possible
candidate for al-Qaida people to flee to precisely because the government is
weak or non-existent."

He said the search is now on in Somalia for people the US can use as allies
in the country, instead of campaigning alone. The comment is the first
official confirmation that the US is involved in any way in Somalia.

Mr Wolfowitz said Yemen was a possible theatre for future operations, with
al-Qaida known to have cells in remote parts of the country, where Osama bin
Laden has close ethnic ties.

He also named the Philippines and Indonesia as areas where the US is
considering aiding government-run efforts against al-Qaida-linked

In the mainly-Catholic Philippines extremist Islamic separatists known as
Abu Sayyaf, are fighting a bitter guerrilla war on the island of Basilan.

Story filed: 16:22 Tuesday 8th January 2002

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